Pre-Lab Safety
Classroom Safety Equipment
Good or Bad Behavior in the lab?
Lab Equipment
Lab Safety Equipment
This should be done to long hair when working with an open flame.
What is tie hair back?
This piece of safety equipment is used to cover someone if their clothing would catch on fire during a lab.
What is a fire blanket?
Student A is using a wafting technique to detect the scent of an unknown liquid substance.
What is a good behavior?

This piece of lab equipment is used to precisely measure volume of liquids during a lab.

What is a graduated cylinder?


These are found on both sides of the lab and used by the teacher to warn others of a fire

What is a fire alarm?

This type of shoe should not be worn on lab days.
What are opened-toed shoes?
This piece of safety equipment is used only by the teacher in case of a fire during a lab to put out the fire.
What is a fire extinguisher?
Student B is wearing safety goggles and an apron while working with baking soda and vinegar during a lab.
What is good behavior?

This piece of lab equipment is used to measure mass.

What is a digital scale?


The piece of equipment is located at the back/middle of the lab and used if you have a chemical spill on you.

What is the safety shower?

These two items must be worn to protect our clothes and skin.
What are aprons and gloves?
This piece of safety equipment contains material to treat minor injuries.
What is a first aid kit?
Student C is wearing goggles and an apron while reaching across a hot plate to unplug it.
What is bad behavior? (no gloves and reaching across the burner)

This piece of equipment uses a flame to heat substances.

What is a Bunsen burner


This is found at the front of the room and is used to dispose of solid materials

What is trash cans

These are important to wear to protect our eyes during a lab.
What are safety goggles?
This piece of safety equipment is used when debris (small particles) get in your eyes.
What is an eyewash station?
Student D is wearing goggles and gloves while picking up broken glass from a beaker that was dropped on the floor.
What is bad behavior? (Tell the teacher!)

This piece of equipment is used to record qualitative and quantitative data.

What is a lab notebook?


This is located on a shelf on the wall beside the door on the Coach Steward side of the lab.

What is the first aid kit?

According to our safety contract, hair products have this chemical property that can be dangerous during a lab with an open flame.
What is flammability?
This is the first person that should be made aware of any mishaps or accidents during a lab.
What is the teacher?
Student E sits down at the lab table and immediately begins to read the lab directions and mixing unknown chemicals as indicated by the directions.
What is bad behavior? (The teacher did not tell them to start)

This piece of lab equipment is used measure liquids that do not have to be exact, but can be an "about" measurement.

What is a beaker?


This is used if we are working with chemicals that give off harmful fumes.

What is the vent hood?