Lab Safety
Safety Equipment
Safety Scenarios
Lab Equipment I
Lab Equipment II

The way long hair should be worn during lab activities involving chemicals or flames

What is tied back?


This piece of safety equipment is used to if someone spills caustic chemicals on their skin or if their clothing catches on fire during a lab

What is the emergency shower?


Sally was using a glass beaker to get water from the lab sink. Why is it important for Sally to hold the beaker with both hands and walk carefully back to her lab station?

What is the beaker could get broken and is expensive to replace or the water could spill causing an accident?


This piece of lab equipment is used to observe small objects or details.

What is a magnifying glass or microscope?


This piece of equipment is used to measure the temperature of substances.

What is a thermometer?


This unit is used for measuring small amounts of volume

What is the milliliter?

Where students should stay during lab activities

What is with their team?


This piece of safety equipment is used only by the teacher in case of a fire during a lab to put out the fire.

What is a fire extinguisher?


After finishing the fiberglass experiment some of the students have itchy hands and eyes, what personal protective equipment could have prevented this?

What is safety glasses and gloves?


This piece of lab equipment is used to measure mass.

What is an electronic scale?


The piece of equipment is used to mix or observe very small amounts of liquids.

What is a test tube?


This unit is used for measuring small amounts of mass

What is the gram?


What is the first rule of lab and classroom safety?

What is follow all rules?


This piece of safety equipment contains material to treat minor injuries.

What is a first aid kit?


As Terry was finishing her lab her loose hair got caught in a beaker leaving her with wet, sticky hair. What lab safety rule was Terry not following?

What is keep hair and other loose clothing tied back?


This piece of equipment is used for holding solid or liquid samples in the lab. It is not used for precise measurements.

What is a beaker?


This piece of lab equipment is used for magnifying objects that are considered too small for the naked eye.

What is a microscope?


This unit is used for measure temperature

What is degrees Celsius?

These are important to wear to protect our eyes during a lab.
What are safety goggles?

This piece of safety equipment is used when debris (small particles) get in your eyes.

What is an eyewash station?


Tom saw a clear substance in one of the beakers and thought he would take a sip from it to find out what it was; he became very ill and was sent to the hospital to be treated. What lab safety rule did Tom not follow?

What is never taste or eat in the lab?


This term is used to describe the process whereby the mass of the weighing paper is not included in the mass of the substance

What is to zero or tare?


This piece of equipment is used to measure the length of objects.

What is a meter stick or ruler?


This unit is used for measuring length; 100 of these are equal to one meter

What is centimeter?


This individual must be present during all lab activities

Who is the teacher?


This is the first person that should be made aware of any mishaps or accidents during a lab.

Who is the teacher?


Cory and JD are conducting an experiment involving heating a liquid substance. They were instructed to observe the smell. What is the best way for them to do this?

What is waft the fumes towards their nose?


This piece of lab equipment is used to precisely measure volume of liquids during a lab.

What is a graduated cylinder?


This piece of lab equipment is used to mix liquids that could splash.

What is an Erlenmeyer Flask?


This is a unit for measuring length; 10 of these are equal to one centimeter

What is millimeter?