Lab Equipment
Lab Safety
Lab Equipment pt.2

What is the piece of equipment used primarily for holding and mixing liquids, but can also be used for heating and measuring liquids?



If a flame gets out of control during an experiment, you should....

Use the fire blanket


Alyssa was busy working on her lab but her nose itched. She couldn't help but scratch her nose with her gloved hand before she went back to work. Which rule is this violating?

Keep your hands away from your nose, mouth, and eyes.


What is the piece of equipment called that is used for transferring liquids from larger containers to smaller containers?



What is the piece of equipment used to rinse chemicals off of clothes or the body?

Safety Shower


When are approved eye protection devices, such as goggles, worn in the laboratory?

any time chemicals, heat, or glassware are used


Monica was in a hurry to catch the bus. She wanted to grab her things and go! In the process, she forgot to wash her hands after a lab. Lola followed Monica down the stairs and picked up all kinds of chemicals on her hands. Which rule is this violating?

Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and before leaving the lab.


What is the electricity-powered plate used for heating chemicals?

Hot Plate

What is the piece of equipment that is used for holding a hot beaker?

Beaker Tongs


Heat-resistant gloves need to be worn when....

Using hot objects to avoid burning yourself


Brianne was enjoying a great book and couldn't put it down while the teacher was explaining the instructions to the lab. She decided that she would just ask Allie what she needed to do. Which rule is this violating?

Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. Ask your teacher if you do not understand any of the given directions.


What is the piece of equipment called that measures the precise volume of liquids?

Graduated Cylinder

What is the piece of equipment that is used to put out a fire that is on a person?

Fire extinguisher


When should the eyewash station or the safety shower be used?

If you get a chemical on yourself


Diego had been thinking of a cool experiment all weekend. On Monday, while his teacher was at lunch, he decided he would conduct his experiment in his free time. Which rule is this violating?

Perform only authorized experiments.


What is used as a way to protect your eyes from any harmful chemicals or liquids? 

Safety Goggles

What is the piece of equipment that is used to rinse chemicals out of the eyes?

Eye Wash Station


Where should broken glass be disposed of? 

In a special disposal


Eden woke up early to curl her hair before school, and decides to leave it down during her chemistry lab because she doesn't want to get a crease in it from her hair tie. She volunteers to help with the Bunsen burner, leans forward, and catches the end of one of her long curls on fire. Her lab partner Theo volunteers to get the fire extinguisher to spray her down. 

Keep hair tied back, use a fire blanket if available.


What instrument is used to store test tubes?

Test Tube Rack