Lab Safety 1
Clean up
Good and Bad Behavior
When should safety goggle be worn in science lab
What is whenever the teacher or directions instruct you to wear them

What do you do after you are finished with a lab

What is clean the lab stations?


When doing a lab should you be running and chasing your friend around the classroom?

What is no, that is horseplay! 


How should you hold a beaker?

What is with two hands!

True or false: You are allowed to eat and drink in the science lab
What is false
When may you dump solid waste or broken glass down the drain
What is never

Name three items of safety gear you wear in the lab?

What are gloves, eye protection (lab goggles), and apron. Closed toed shoes and hair tied back is also a safe practice in the lab. 
Before using any electrical equipment you should
What is check the cord for frayed wires
When testing for odors you should
What is hold the chemical about an arm's lenght away and wave your hand over it.
If there in a spill in the lab you should
What is tell the teacher and clean up the spill
Backpacks and book should be kept
What is out of the aisles and away from the lab stations

When handling a microscope, how should you hold it?

What is with one hand on the base and the other on the arm. 


What should you do this when your teacher asks for your attention during a lab

What is stop what you are doing and pay attention to the teacher

Broken glass should be
What is picked up by the teacher and placed in a special container

When performing a dissection, Jimbob and Pat are playing with the frog specimen. Is this a good or bad behavior?

Bad! We should be treating lab specimens in an appropriate and respectful way.


How should you carry a sharp object?

What is the sharp tip should be down.


What should you do in something seems unsafe in the science lab

What is tell the teacher immediately


If you get a chemical in your eyes, you should

What is use the eye wash station and rinsing the eyes from the inner corner to the outside for 15 minutes.

Pat brought in his lunch and decided to have a snack before lab had started. Is this a good or bad behavior?
Bad! No food or drink in the lab is allowed due to residual chemicals or bacteria left on the lab tables. 

Jimbob and his lab partner are going through the lab instructions and all of a sudden, their glass test tube drops and breaks on the floor. What should they do? 

What is alert the teacher, do not touch the glass with their hands and sweep up the glass then throw away in appropriate bin.