Lab Safety 1
lab misc.
Clean up

What should you do if your lab partner gets chemicals in their eye?

Take them to eye wash and tell the teacher immediately. Wash eyes for 15 minutes


Alergies should be reported to the teacher during this time

What is before you start the lab


you should do this after you are finished with a lab

What is clean the lab station


If a strong acid or base gets on your skin you should you should do this

What is rinse with plenty of running water


You should use these when handling hot objects

What are hot hands or tongs


What should you do if you were to catch on fire during a science experiment?

Stop, drop and roll. 


If you are mixing an acid and water, how should you pour it?

the acid is poured into the water


Broken glass should be

What is picked up by the teacher and placed in a special container


a solution can be contaminated by

What is pouring chemicals back into the original bottle,exchanging droppers between bottles, or placing stoppers on the lab table


Digital scales are used to measure items in your lab and never. 

measure things for fun 


what should you do if something seems unsafe in the science lab

What is tell the teacher immediately


True or False: Contact lenses may be worn in place of safety goggles

What is false


If there in a spill in the lab you should

What is tell the teacher and clean up the spill


What are two  main way to not get your chemicals mixed up?

label them and stay organized 


When using the bunsen burner you should light it at the beginning of your lab and distinguish it (put out) when?

Immediately after the lab 


you should do this when your teacher asks for your attention during a lab

What is stop what you are doing and pay attention to the teacher, and remain silent 


You should do this with long hair when in the lab

What is tie it back


When heating a test tube, how should you do it?

Hold it tilted and point it away from yourself and from other students. Move the tube in the flame to prevent overheating in one area.


You should remove rings, necklaces and wristbands before certain labs because why?

to prevent injuries. 


When unplugging an electrical corrd you should

What is grab the plug and not the cord


When testing for odors you should

What is hold the chemical about an arm's length away and wave your hand over it. This is called wafting 


If you get acid or any other chemical in your eyes you should

What is use the eye wash station and rinsing the eyes from the inner corner to the outside for 15 minutes.


When may you dump solid waste or broken glass down the drain

What is never


If a chemical we use in science is inflammable, it is?  

easily set on fire


When heating a test tube, which way should you point it?

Away from your face and other students.