During a lab session, Mark accidentally spilled chemicals on his lab bench. Instead of notifying the teacher, he cleaned up the spill himself without wearing gloves and didn't wash his hands afterward. What did he do wrong? 

1. Not notifying the teacher of a spill 

2. Not wearing gloves

3. Not washing her hands after a chemical spill.



Sarah was listening to loud music with headphones while conducting an experiment, making it hard to hear safety instructions. She also failed to label the chemical containers she was using. What has she done wrong? 

•Listening to loud music with headphones.
•Not labeling chemical containers.


Kevin was working in the lab when he realized that his long hair was not secured and was hanging over the lab bench. He also didn't wear safety goggles. What has he done wrong? 

1. Not securing his long hair.
2. Not wearing safety goggles.


Daniel was working on a genetics experiment and was using his smartphone with wet gloves on, which made it difficult to handle samples properly. He also left the lab coat unbuttoned. What has he done wrong? 

1. Using a smartphone with wet gloves.
2. Leaving his lab coat unbuttoned. 


Tina was working with a chemical that was known to be corrosive to skin. She didn't wear gloves, and while handling the chemical, she accidentally spilled it on her hands. She also had a beverage container on her lab bench. What has she done wrong? 

1. Not wearing gloves while handling a corrosive chemical.
2. Having a beverage container on her lab bench. 


Dylan was conducting a microbiology experiment and didn't wash his hands before leaving the lab for a break. He also left a microscope with its cord hanging over the edge of the bench. What did he do wrong? 

1. Not washing his hands before leaving the lab.
2. Leaving a microscope cord hanging over the bench.


Jake was eating a sandwich at his lab station with gloves on. His gloves were contaminated with chemicals, and he also had long hair that was not tied back. What has he done wrong?

1. Eating at the lab station with gloves on.
2. Gloves contaminated with chemicals.
3. Long hair not tied back.


Jennifer was rushing to complete an experiment and left it running unattended while she went out for lunch. She also had her lab notebook and papers scattered on the floor, creating a tripping hazard. What has she done wrong?  

1. Leaving her experiment running unattended.

2. Creating a tripping hazard with scattered lab materials.    


Mike was working in the lab when he accidentally spilled a chemical on the floor. He didn't clean it up, didn't report it to the teacher, and didn't wash his hands afterward. What has he done wrong? 

1. Not cleaning up a chemical spill.
2. Not reporting the spill.
3. Not washing his hands after handling chemicals.



Alexis was conducting lab work and had an unexpected outcome. Some of her actions may not have followed safety protocols. What has she done wrong? 

1. Not wearing safety goggles.
2. Not washing her hands after a chemical spill. 


Sam was using a broken glass beaker because he couldn't find a replacement. He also didn't wear gloves while handling a corrosive chemical. What has he done wrong?    

1. Using a broken glass beaker.

2. Not wearing gloves while handling a corrosive chemical.


Alex was using a Bunsen burner with an open flame but left it unattended to answer a phone call. He was also wearing flip-flops. What has she done wrong? 

•Leaving an open flame unattended.
•Wearing flip-flops.


Robert was in the lab when he realized that he had forgotten his safety goggles. He continued working without them and also used a patched-up pipette to transfer chemicals. What has he done wrong? 

1. Not wearing safety goggles.
2. Using a patched-up pipette to transfer chemicals.


Emily was conducting an experiment that required her to handle multiple chemicals. She didn't label the containers and accidentally mixed two chemicals. What has she done wrong?     

1. Not labeling chemical containers.
2. Accidentally mixing two chemicals.
3. Not washing her hands after handling chemicals.    


John was heating a substance over an open flame when he received a text message on his phone. He picked up his phone with gloved hands and started texting, neglecting his experiment. He also didn't secure his long hair. What has he done wrong? 

1. Using a phone while conducting an experiment.
2. Not securing his long hair.
3. Not wearing safety goggles.


Sophia was working on a microscope experiment without wearing safety goggles. She also had her lab coat unbuttoned and hanging loosely. What has she done wrong? 

1. Not wearing safety goggles.
2. Loose clothes.
3. Not securing her long hair.


Maria was conducting an experiment, and her lab coat sleeves weren't secured properly. They hung down near the chemicals she was working with. She also used her lab bench to store her backpack, taking up workspace. What has she done wrong? 

1. Lab coat sleeves not secured properly.

2. Using her lab bench to store her backpack.


Cynthia was conducting a dissection and wasn't wearing gloves. She also had an open beverage container on her lab bench. What has she done wrong?     

1. Not wearing gloves during a dissection.
2. Having an open beverage container on her lab bench.


Benjamin was conducting an experiment using glassware with visible cracks. He also didn't wear safety goggles when working with chemicals that could potentially splash. What has he done wrong?

1. Using glassware with visible cracks.
2. Not wearing safety goggles when working with chemicals. 


Lisa was working in the lab when she noticed that her lab coat was unbuttoned. She continued to work without fastening it properly. She also left her backpack on the lab bench, blocking the emergency eyewash station. What has she done wrong? 

1. Lab coat unbuttoned.
2. Leaving her backpack on the lab bench, obstructing the emergency eyewash station. 

3. Not securing her long hair.