What is the minimum GPA needed?
3.0 GPA
How do L&D nurses prevent infection or sickness from their surroundings spreading?
Constantly disinfecting surfaces near their patients
When does postpartum occur?
After the delivery of the baby
True or False
L&D nurses record the time of birth and weight of the newborn
How long does schooling take to become an L&D nurse?
minimum of 2 years
How do L&D nurses ensure a patients safety from physical harm?
By removing any sharp or dangerous objects like needles away from their patients
What is the first thing L&D nurses do when the baby is delivered?
They bathe the babies then give them to their mother for skin-to-skin contact
What is an epidural?
A shot given to mothers during labor in their back to numb them from the waist down
What do you need a bachelors degree in?
Science in Nursing
How do L&D nurses prevent patients from getting sick from person to person contact?
L&D nurses constantly wash their hands to prevent sicknesses from other patients transferring
How long do L&D nurses perform postpartum care?
From when the mother comes out of the delivery room until they leave the hospital
What does the nurse monitor in the delivery room?
The mothers cervix to track progression or lack of dilation
keep an eye out for any unexpected complications before, during, and after delivery
How do you obtain an RN License?
You need to pass the NCLEX-RN Exam
What are the 5 F's?
Food Finger Fluid Fomite Faeces
What do L&D nurses assist with for postpartum care?
They check vital signs, blood draws, and educate/support the family during the earliest days of bonding
What else does the nurse do in the delivery room?
They assist mothers during labor and guide them to practice deep breathing/pushing