This is the contract length.
What is 3 years?
Kindergarten Teachers can work offsite for WAKidswith prior approval and this many days notice.
What is 10 days written notice?
First year provisional employees will receive an evaluation on or before the first _____ calendar days of the employee's employment.
What is 90 calendar days?
This is now paid at per diem, but has a mandatory rotation.
What is class coverage?
Each building principal shall review with their employees the Student Disciplinary Standards Handbook for Staff & Emergency proceedures, as well as who the evaluator is, no later than this day each year.
What is September 30th?
These days are now split into TWO categories: Teacher Directed/Collaboration Days & District Directed/Principal Directed Days.
What are the 90 minute ER days?
Open positions will now have to be open/posted for this many business days during the school year, but only for three days between July 1st and September 30th.
What is 5 business days?
These days happen in August. Half of the day will be directed by the district, while the other half of the day will be teacher-directed collaboration.
What are Techonology Days?
When using more than four personal days OR if preceeding/following a break, certificated staff must give this many days advanced notice.
What is 10 days?
If a secondary site uses an ML class model, not caseload, the class size shall not exceed this many students, and will also include 1 hour of paraeducator time per class per day.
What is 15 students?
Teachers in their 1t and 2nd years of teaching get these.
What are mentors and BPs?
This is earned by working toward the district selected goal, completing a self-paced module, and writing an end of the year refelction.
What is the Technology Stipend?
Teachers can no longer get paraeducator support for these. The onus is now on the district to calculate them for the teachers. It is also VERY expensive to exceed them now.
What are class size overloads?
A new committee at Tolt will work on recommendations and consider any necessary contract language changes in the 23-24 school year, to extablish the structures of this.
What is an advisory schedule?
When not overnight, staff can use additional activities hours OR timesheet for time outside workday at the certificated hourly rate for this event.
What is 5th grade Outdoor Education?
These schedules will be limited to twice a month, onthe same day, and attached to the same class period.
What is Tolt Time?
These may ONLY be used in half day or full day increments!
What is Personal Leave?
These two days were moved from Enrichment to Responsibility, but are still listed on the calendar, and no longer require a buiding sign-in sheet.
What are the Set Up and Check Out days?
A pool of this many release days will be established for teachers to write IEPs or caseload management duties.
What is 22?
When a counselor asks for support, coordination of this may be assumed by a certificated administrator.
What are 504s?
The elected certificated staff members in your building who you should meet with monthly, and be proactive with, regarding issues that may bubble up throughout the year.
What are building reps?
If this enrollment increases, then the district and REA will meet to set a caseload overload formula.
What is ALE enrollment?
If this starts outside of the workday, then the teacher can refuse to attend. However, if this is scheduled to begin during or at the exact end of the teacher workday, they can be required to attend.
What is an IEP meeting?
This team will meet a minimum of three times a year to review how the pooled IEP writing and case management days are being used, among other things.
What is the Special Education Leadership Team?
This will contain both an Elementary Leadership Team and a Secondary Leadership Team to review professional development offerings and establish a pd calendar.
What is the Professional Development Committee?