Beginning of Lacombe
Lacombe History
Lacombe History
Lacombe History

The culture group lived on the land before the settlers

Who are the Blackfoot Indigenous?

While the Lacombe area began to be settled in the late-19th century, it was occupied by the Indigenous. There were many culture groups who lived on the land but the most famous, and most recent, were the Blackfoot. 


Lacombe is recognized for being one of the best ________ ______________ in Canada.

What is Farming Communities?

Edmonton Journal wrote in 1928 - "The statement that there is no better soil is no exaggeration. The soil in central Alberta is suitable for any type of diversified farming."


This church began construction in 1908 to accommodate the growing numbers of residents in Lacombe.

What is St. Andrew's Presbyterian?

It would replace the first church built in 1895, would open on Jan. 31, 1909, was one of the largest buildings in the community at the time. The building would cost $12,315 to build, which was no small amount at the time. Built with red brick, the building has only been slightly altered since its original construction. In 1922, the Methodist and Presbyterian congregations would unite, and the church became the St. Andrew’s United Church. The church continues to stand to this day and in 2014 was made a Municipal Heritage Resource.


This house was built in 1894 and was expanded several times between 1918 and 1940. 

What is the Michener House?

Originally an early church building in the community, it is the oldest remaining structure in the community today. It was this building where Michener would be born in 1900. His father, Edward, was the reverend at the church.


The animal that was largely in this area before settlers.

What is bison?

The bison were an important part of the lives of the Blackfoot, and they would follow the bison through the region for centuries. Unfortunately, the bison herds began to decline as the 19th century wore on. Eventually, the Indigenous would be forced to sign treaties and move to reserves to keep from starving.


Due to excellent farming location, in 1907 this was created outside of the community by the provincial government.

What is Agricultural Experimental Station?

 Lacombe was one of the first locations in the province to have an experimental station. In 1919, the station had 40 acres of seeded plots, testing existing varieties of cereals, field peas, red clover, alfalfa and various root crops.

In later years, the station would experiment in replication, crop rotations and bee breeding.

The station exists to this day, employing dozens of people who manage hundreds of hectares of land.


In 1921, Lacombe would make history when it elected the first woman to the Alberta Legislature. 

What is Irene Parlby?

In 1913 she would found the first women’s local of the United Farmers of Alberta. Her work with the organization helped to raise her profile across the province. Upon joining the Legislature in the Lacombe Riding, she would remain an MLA for the next 14 years. During that time, she was appointed as a minister without a portfolio, making her the first woman cabinet minister in Alberta history.

Her most famous role in women’s rights would come as a member of the Famous Five, who took the issue of women being qualified persons to the highest court in the country. The group would win that case and help change women’s rights forever.


In 1991, the Lacombe Museum purchased and restored this building.

What is the Lacombe Blacksmith Shop?

In 1991, the society would purchase and restore the Lacombe Blacksmith Shop, which to this day is the oldest operational blacksmith shop in the entire province. The blacksmith shop had been built by A.F. Weddle between 1902 and 1903 at a cost of $1,325. The building would go through several owners and in 1939, it would be a welding shop, which it would remain as until 1991 when the society bought the building. The blacksmith shop sits on its original plot of land to this day. Within the shop, the original fixtures and artifacts from the blacksmith shop are now on display, along with machinery and much more.


The first settler in Lacombe

Who is Ed Barnett?

Ed Barnett was a former member of the North-West Mounted Police who had met with Chief Sitting Bull at one point. He would become the first settler in the Lacombe area, and he would create a stopping house on land given to him for his service with the police.


Lacombe Police Service was founded in ________.

What is 1900? 

While many communities are policed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Lacombe is unique in that it has its own police force. This is unusual for a community of its size, but the Lacombe Police Service has played an important role in Lacombe’s history. Founded in 1900, it is one of the oldest municipal police departments in Alberta. The police force continues to exist to this day in the community.


In the 1930s, while many communities were having a difficult time making ends meet, Lacombe became the only Canadian town to pay cash for __________ ____________.

What is sewer system?


in 1919, this junior college became established in Lacombe.

What is now Burman University? 

In 1919 it was a junior college and in 1947 it developed into a four year program in theology. In 1971 Canadian Union College, as it was known from 1947 to 1997, entered into an affiliation agreement with the University of Alberta. In 1997, to more correctly reflect the degree-granting status of the institution, the name was changed to Canadian University College. On December 15, 2014 the CUC Board of Trustees approved changing the institution’s name from Canadian University College to Burman University. 


The year that Lacombe became a town.

What is 1902?

Eight years after Barnett arrived, the Canadian Pacific Railway came through, connecting Calgary to Strathcona, just south of Edmonton. With the railroad arriving, the community quickly began to grow. By 1893, downtown blocks and lots for homes were surveyed. Three years later, Lacombe was a village and in 1902, it became a town.

A politician that was appointed to be Governor General of Canada in 1967 from Lacombe.

Who is Roland Michener?

Michener was appointed in 1964 as the High Commissioner to India. Six months later, he became Canada’s first ambassador to Nepal. On March 29, 1967, Michener was appointed on the advice of his friend Pearson, to be the Governor General of Canada. As Governor General, he would open Expo 67, help celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Confederation and meet with dignitaries as they came to Canada. During his time as Governor General, he would also deal with the October Crisis in 1970 when the FLQ kidnapped government officials and planned to kidnap Michener and have him bound to a chair on television after they took over a CBC station. Thankfully, that never happened. Michener was one of the first recipients of the Order of Canada. On Jan. 14, 1974, his time as Governor General came to an end.


In 2019, Lacombe put itself on the map for what?

What is having the world's largest fishing lure?

The lure, which sits at Len Thompson Pond, is painted in the favourite pattern of Len Thompson. The lure is 40 feet long, far longer than the previous record holder which was only 15 feet long.


This is the last estimated population.

What is 14,229?

That is of 2022.


The name of the French-Canadian Roman Catholic Missionary.

What is Father Albert Lacombe?

The name comes from a Father Albert Lacombe. Father Lacombe was a French-Canadian Roman Catholic missionary who would live with the Cree and the Blackfoot. Not only did he help bring peace between the two Indigenous nations, but he would also negotiate the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway through Blackfoot territory and he kept Chief Crowfoot of the Blackfoot out of the North West Resistance in 1885.


Building in Lacombe that was modelled after the iconic Fuller Building in New York, construction began 1902. 

What is the Flat Iron Building?

n 1902, work began on a building in Lacombe that was modelled after the iconic Fuller Building in New York. This building, called the Flat Iron Building, was constructed over the course of two years, until it opened in 1904 as the home of the Merchants Bank of Canada. Today, this is one of only two remaining buildings of this type in all of Alberta, and it is the oldest building of its type in Western Canada.


In 1971, the Lacombe and District Historical Society formed as a way to purchase this.

What is the birthplace of Roland Michener? 

The site was purchased in 1972 and over the course of the next 13 years restoration work was conducted.


An world-renowned opera singer that is now one of Germany's most popular sopranos that was born and raised in Lacombe.

Who is Anna Maria Kaufmann?

Before Germany was home, Anna Maria Kauffman spent her early years developing a passion for performing in her hometown of Lacombe, Alberta.