Who is the villain in The Little Mermaid?
States that we represent
"You hate it when I cry unless....."
"it's that time of the month
And I'm too perfect 'til I show you that I'm not"
Where did Coach Raff play?
University of Delaware
What two shows did Miranda Cosgrove play in
ICarly and Drake and Josh
What was the first Pixar movie ever made?
Toy Story
How many of us worked in the food industry
What is Mere's Goal Song?
What game did Micah have a interception that lead to a goal
What is the dogs name in "Dog with a Blog"
what is the name of Moana’s pet pig?
The amount of bones we have broken/fractured
"They can keep talkin' their talk..."
"but I'ma keep walking my walk"
How many ground balls did Micah have at the end of her career
In Drake & Josh, what was the name of Josh’s boss at the movie theater?
What was the experiment number of Stitch in Lilo and Stitch
What part of Russia is Margaret from
Saint Petersburg
what is Lexie's goal song
"Dirt on my boots"
what were Micah and Raff's numbers in college
Micah: 10 and Raff: 7
What two people could not watch Fairly Odd Parents
Carlie and Alexis
Who are the Muses in Hercules
Calliope, Terpsichore, Thalia, Melpomene, Cilo
Who's granfather coached serval NFL players
"Dare to keep all your dreams alive...."
"It's time to take a stand
And you can win if you dare"
What other sport did Raff play?
How many episodes has Sponge Bob been aired?