Which branch of government interprets the laws?
Judicial Branch
Samson's wife was Delilah.
False, Samson was married to a woman of Timnath, Judges 14. The Bible never says that Samson was married to Delilah. Judges 16
A unique hairstyle where the front is short and the back is long.
A mullet
God changed my name to Israel.
How many legs does a lobster have?
Alexander Hamilton was a leader of this "party"
The Federalist Party
Cain's first son was named Enoch.
Name the TV game show that often had players saying "Big Money, No Whammies!"?
Press Your Luck
I was sent to take a letter to the apostle Paul. He chose me to accompany him through Syria and Cilicia on his missionary work. He left me in Thessalonica when he was in fear of his life and later I joined him again.
What is the hardest mineral?
First document in the America's that encouraged self-government among the colonists
Mayflower Compact
Elijah went to Heaven in a chariot of fire.
False , Elijah went to heaven in a Whirlwind (not a chariot of fire). 2 Kings 2:1-14
On the popular thursday night lineup, Cosby Show started at 8pm, Different World at 830pm... this show followed at 9:00.
I was the first Gentile to be baptized. The apostle Peter came and preached the gospel to me.
Cornelius the Centurion
What is the most abundant element in the universe?
This man was is considered the "drafter" of the Constitution
James Madison
Johnathan ate honey not knowing that his father had forbidden his soldiers to eat the rest of the day.
Who shot Ronald Reagan in an attempt to assassinate him?
John Hinckley
I was asked to curse the children of Israel but I couldn't do it. My donkey was given the power of speech for a short while.
According to the U.S. Constitution, the president is part of which of the three branches of government?
Which treaty ended the American Revolution?
Treaty of Paris
Joshuas parents are never mentioned in the Bible
False, He was the son of Nun
What was the tallest building in the US in the 80s?
The Sears Tower in Chicago
I was a prophet of Israel. I have the cloak which belonged to my predecessor, who left me quite suddenly. At Bethel some small boys came and made fun of me.
What is the longest river in the United States?
The Missouri River