What three anime are part of The Big Three?
One Piece, Naruto, Bleach
When was the first 'Call Of Duty' video game released?
What were the first two perk a colas to be introduced after the original 4?
Stamin Up & PHD Flopper
How many Infinity Stones are there?
What is Captain America's shield called?
The vibranium shield.
Which band name isn’t a Stand in “JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure”?
In what land does the The Legend of Zelda take place?
What was the last map to have the laugh in the game over song?
Die Rise
Bradley Cooper is the voice of which MCU character?
Rocket Raccoon.
In the comics, who’s the first avenger to quit the team?
The Hulk.
Who was the first member of the First Levi Squad to die in ‘Attack on Titan’?
What popular video game was purchased for more than $1B?
What were the two names of the explorers in the map Shangri-La?
Brock and Garry
In what town was Wanda's hex located?
Westview, N.J.
What type of animal also has the same power as Thor?
A frog.
Dragon Ball’ was created by who in 1984?
When the PlayStation Portable (PSP) was released?
On 24th March 2005
The achievement A Better Tomorrow is the main easter egg quest for what map?
How Many Comics Has Marvel Released As Of 2009?
What year did Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson marry each other?
Monkey D. Luffy originally sets out with the Straw Hat Pirates to become the pirate king on which ship?
The Thousand Sunny.
In South Korea, what video game is officially recognized as a sport?
When Richthofen experiments on the test subject, what organ did he remove thinking it was the gateway to argartha?
The spleen of Pablo Marinus
How many Stan Lee cameos are there?
There are thirty-seven Stan Lee cameos in his own movies.
Where did Stan Lee take inspiration for Galactus?
The bible.