urri #1
Arrival /
urri #2
Dress Code

What is the pass you will need to have  to go to the bathroom AND you take it with you to the bathroom?

Lanyard by the door


Is inappropriate language allowed anywhere in the school (hallway, gym, class, cafeteria, etc.)? 

NO! We only use appropriate language  


When do afternoon annoucements start and when do you start to pack up?

3:25 p.m.


Who owns the Chromebook that will be issued to you?

 The Knox County School System owns the Chromebooks we use.


What is the Ranger Way? 

Student behavior program for Northwest Middle


What time are students supposed to come to class?

When the bell rings!


Can students go down any other hallway other then the one in the back? This does not count for 4th period. But the water is better down the other hallway!

I do not care if the water was gold, you stay in this back hallway and if you go out of hallway, you will get written up. 


Where do you sit in the cafeteria? 

With your class at assigned tables


When you have completed work where does it go?

In your class' corresponding tub by the door.


Think about the 1st step in the discipline process. When I point to your phone and ask you to put it up - what step is that and what is it called?

That is a step 1. 


Is there a dress code at NMS? 

DUH! Of course there is!


These electronic devices are not allowed in the restroom at any time. Cell Phone

Cell Phone 


What is a failing grade (in numbers)? 

59 AND below  

When it is time to go to homeroom, what should we do 1st?

Make sure you get breakfast!


 What cost $20 and is VERY important to pay for if you can? 

Insurance for your Chromebook.


 What is the 1st R of the Ranger Way? 



What are students supposed to bring to class?

 All materials (textbook, pencils, paper, and anything else)


What if you see trash on the floor?

Pick it up and throw it away


What should you do with your trash?

Get up and throw it away.


Can you keep your phone out once the announcements are completed?

NOPE! You put up your phone as soon as announcements START.  


Examples of what might happen in class:

* You keep your phone out (MULTIPLE warnings)

* You are doing ZERO work (MULTIPLE warnings)

So what do you think will happen if the above occurs???

You will get an official write up AND other consequences (silent lunch, call home, etc).


T/F I can bring blanket to school.  It is not clothes

FALSE - It has been specifically stated you are to NOT bring blankets to school.  If you do you will get written up for it.


What is the thing students need to do before they actually enter a bathroom stall?

 Knock on the door before entering


If we find some trash on the ground where is to go? 

In the trash can


If you are a car rider, where do you go to wait when you are called to leave? 

Front of the school under the portico / awning / porch / front


When a teacher is giving instruction what is a student supposed to be doing when they have their Chromebook?  

Hands off the computer and listening


How can you show someone you are respectful? 

* Treat each others with respect

* Be nice to them

* Don't talk about them behind their back

* Help them out


What time does class start for 1st period?

8:30 a.m.  Homeroom starts at 8 a.m.


What do students need to do when they see their friends or other students while in the hallway, but NOT when they are in a class.

Smile or wave to others. KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!


Can I bring my own lunch to eat?

Of course you can! It is encouraged if don't like the lunchroom food.


Does Mrs. Auble give you a zero and if she does can you make it up?

Yes I do give zeros and yes you can make it up with no consequences.


What if the teacher is walking around and they see you on your phone AGAIN even after having been given a warning. What will happen?

If it is me - I will write a note down about redirecting you. Date, time, class, infraction, etc. 


 Can you wear sleeveless t-shirts I mean I am not wearing PJs or showing my belly?

Nope! NMS expectations dictate that you cannot wear sleeveless t-shirts.


What is the name of the online computer application you have to get to to be able to go to the restroom??

E-Hall Pass


What kind of interactions are we to have with our friends? 

 Postive interactions (be nice)


What voice level should one have while in class waiting for your ride to be called? 



What is the process if you do not have a charger?

You can purchase one off of Amazon or you can check one out from Mrs. Auble


When someone is in front of the class talking about something that you find horribly BORING what should you do?

Make sure your eyes are watching them and smile and nod.  We are always respectful even if we don't find their speech interesting.


What cannot be worn in a classroom or the hallway or anywhere in the school? 

Hats and hoodies


When the bell rings, where are students supposed to go? 

 Down the hallway right to their next class. 


What should you do to the lunch ladies when you get your food?

Tell them THANK YOU!


How many more days until our next day off of school????

13 days! MLK Day January 15th


What happens if 1: you are given a warning, 2: the teacher makes notes but YET YOU STILL keep your phone out???

Could be:

* Silent Lunch

* Official Write Up

* Or your adult at home is contacted


What are some of the items (in general) we cannot wear at NMS?

Sleepwear, skin-tight anything without something to cover it, crop tops, anything with metal studs.


What are we supposed to do once we finish our businss in the bathroom stall?

Flush, wash and go back to class  


Who are your 7th grade principals? 

Mr. Winterberger and Mr. Burkhart


Can we sit anywhere willy nilly in the classroom during homeroom?

NOPE! You are required to sit in your assigned seat and no where else.


Can students use other student's Chromebooks? Why or why not?

Students can ONLY use their own Chromebook. If a student broke another student's computer that other student would have to pay $$ and that is expensive.


What do you think is the 1 thing your teacher wishes you could get?

I wish you all would be more then you give yourself credit for.  You are greater then you think you are!


What voice level is used in a classroom?

Whatever voice level the teacher says it needs to be at that time.


Can students skip, hopscotch, jump down the hallways?

No - students must always walk. DON'T RUN!!


When we are walking through the gym to get to the lunchroom tell me how we are showing that?

We walk in a line.

We don't disturb the people in the gym.

We don't hang on the door frames.

We don't get into fights while waiting in line.


Can I be written up for not putting my phone up after announcements?

You bet! Especially if you have been given multiple warnings.


T/F We do not call the principal on the 4th step, but we do call him after a 3rd verbal warning

FALSE! We can really call the principal anytime, but normally after we make a call home. 

If you are disrupting the learning of other students we as teachers can AND will call the principal to have you removed from class.


If I get dress coded enough can I go to basketball games or any other type of outside of school activities?

You might very well NOT be able to go these if you continue to break the dress code.


What do we do if we see something wrong with the restroom?

Tell a teacher or principal


Are you allowed to give me makeup work from Semester 1 in Semester 2?



If you are a late bus rider where do you go?  

To the gym and wait. Girls on 1 side and boys on the other side.


T/F You can watch YouTube during anytime in class!

FALSE - Students do this at home. We are learning, not watching videos on TikTok or YouTube.


The 3rd R of Ranger Way and how can we show it in action?

Make the RIGHT CHOICES.  Students will think TWICE about what we are doing and what will happen if we do it or don't do it.


Listen to teachers and classmates

How can students be respectful in classrooms?


What side of the hallway are students to walk (down the hallway, to the lunchroom, or to their RA class)? 

ALWAYS on the right hand side!


When we are coming back from, or headed to, the cafeteria, are we supposed to be loud? in the hallway while we are headed to the cafeteria? 

We aren't yelling or screaming.  We aren't bothering other people in their classroom.

What happens if the bell rings and I am not in my seat or even in the classroom?

You can and probably will be counted TARDY. 


What if you don't agree with any of the procedures put in place (i.e. cell phone usage, no earbuds, you have to work when asked to). If you don't agree with any of that what do you think would happen or what should you do? 

You still need to respect the expectations of 7th grade and of this class. So you gotta do it even if you think it is absurd!


But my shirt dosen't have any bad pictures on it, it just has a picture of a certain plant. I can wear that right? No bad words and it does not show my belly!

NOPE! Nothing can be worn that is disruptive or inappropriate .


When Chromebooks are issued, what is the 1 tool that a student needs to use?

E-Hall Pass


What is NOT allowed in class?

*Eating during class

* Bringing personal items like toys

* Using headphones without permission

* Taking notes on your laptop

* Bringing personal items like toys (Your adult has to make prior arrangements)

* Using headphones without permission (ASK B4 YOU USE)


What will happen if you leave when car riders leave, but you are NOT a car rider?

You will be considered out of area,you will be given an oficial write up, and your adult will be contacted (possibly before you even get home for that day).


What if you have a problem with your Chromebook? What do you do?

You are required to put in a help ticket. 

What is the Ranger Way so important?

Because we as students are not just a letter grade or a number, we are growing to be mature young people.


What do you do when you have a question in class? 

Raise your hand and WAIT to be called on!


When we are lined up to go to the lunchroom and we walk past a teacher who engages us in conversation what are we to do?

1st - You are NOT loud! Even if the teacher is loud, you are NOT to match their loudness.

2nd - You polity talk to them and then KEEP ON WALKING


I hate baby carrots and can't stand to eat them.

Then don't get them.  Please do not waste food.  That is not cool.


If you miss an assignment what is the 1st step you should take?

Complete it and turn it in immediately and let the teacher know you turned it in.


What happens if you get mad and to not cause a scene you just walk out of class?

The teacher will issue an oficial write up and will contact a principal. 


T/F I can wear shirts that show my belly as long as I wear a jacket.

FALSE - You are not supposed to wear them at all with or without a jacket.


How many people are allowed to go to the restroom at a time from our class?

Only 1 (not 2, no boy AND girl), just 1 person allowed at a time.


What parts of being in class does a DAILY GRADE cover?

* Particpating in class

* Following classroom expectations

* Working hard

*  Being prepared each and every day you come to class


Are we allowed to go back and get breakfast once we get to homeroom?

You are not allowed to go back to get breakfast once you arrive at homeroom.


But I can't put in a help ticket - my computer is busted.  What do I do now?

You can now scan the given QR code and enter the help ticket on your phone


Why don't we joke about people?

Because it is flat out rude and not nice.  


What if the teacher does not see your hand up (when teacher is at their desk)?

You get up and walk over to the teacher.  IT HAD BETTER BE AN EMERGENCY!


When we are in the hallway who is always watching?

The principal has the hallway cameras up 9 times out of 10 in their office and can see exactly what you are or are not doing.


When we are lining up to come back to class what does that look like?

Line up in 1 line and don't push or shove, don't fight, don't get into words with someone in class you don't like.


If you're absent, by when should you make up missed assignments?

However many days you are out.  If you were out for 2 days, you have 2 days to make up the work you missed.


If we are not involved in a fight, but we film it what happens?

You will get OSS for several days if not an entire week.  Filming a fight is a BIG TIME no/no!!


T/F I can wear 1 piece outfits that are not pajamas.

FALSE - You cannot wear 1 piece outfits


What is the 1st thing you are to do when you have to go to the restroom?

Raise your hand in a sign language R to let me know you have to go to the restroom.


When can you seek additional help or clarification on topics?

During class (raise your hand) or you can schedule time before or after school.


T/F When announcements are over, 1st bus loads just all run out to get on their bus? 

FALSE - You wait for your bus to be called and you can see it on the smart board.


How can I be prepared with technology when I am in class?

Make sure you have a Chromebook charger and make sure it is charged 100% before you come to school.


How can we show someone we are Responsible? 

Students will come to class prepared and ready to learn. They will also leave the class BETTER than when they found it.


If you disagree with someone what should you do?

Discuss the issue respectfully and try to find a compromise and at the same time smile and nod.


When a student asks to go get water, they put in a pass and grab the lanyard, but go to the water fountain that is not in our hallway, what should we expect to happen?

You will get written up for being out of area. If a staff member asks you what are are doing out of area, be honest.


What is allowed in the cafeteria?

Cell Phones - it is a privilege!! And talking with your friends, but not yelling.


What is the policy for late work submissions?

I take them anytime during the semester.  ANYTIME!


Just because a teacher is not my teacher that doesn't mean I have to listen to her or him.

WHAT? You are supposed to listen to ANY staff member who gives you instruction.


Is there a clothes closet at NMS if you do get popped for dress code? And if so who can help you with it?

Yes, the counselors have access to a clothes closet and Mrs. Fiveash can assist you with that!


What are you supposed to do if you cannot put in a E-hall pass? 

School expectations dictate you are to WAIT until the pass goes through. 



What is the primary goal of this class?

To gain knowledge and improve your skills


T/F Riding the bus is a privilege that can be taken away when?   It can be taken away anytime a student fails to meet bus expectations.

It can be taken away anytime a student fails to meet bus expectations.


If I "accidently" punch the screen or pop the buttons off I just pay the fee right? At least it is my computer.

It is NOT your computer.  It belongs to the Knox County School System and your adult is responsible for paying the price to get it fixed (it ain't cheap people).


What is the 2nd R of the Ranger Way?



When you either get or put up your textbook and 3-ring binder how does that look? What are you supposed to do?

Nicely and neatly place them on the shelves. If they get lost it is on me and it is my fault for not keeping up with them.


When the afternoon bell rings, are we to be hanging out in the hallway waiting for our rides to be called?

NOPE! You are not to be in the hallway.


 Can you walk super fast in the cafeteria?

No - You just walk regular


Where can I find the work I have missed in class?

You can find missing work on Canvas. Each week our schedule will be posted.

You can also ask the teacher what did you miss, but FIRST check Canvas!


Do the teachers just get joy out of busting you all for not following classroom and school expectations?

No - we would rather be focusing on learning and teaching and getting excited about English.  We really don't like taking time out of our day and schedule to take care of discpline issues.


Can you wear pj pants? I mean they aren't skin tight leggings?

NO! You cannot wear sleepwear or pajamas at anytime when you are in school.