Name it
Its All Relative
How does it rank?
Find the Verb
Same Same

Identify the noun the pronoun is replacing.

Terry looked once at the clock on the kitchen wall. He thought it was the ugliest thing he had probably ever seen.

he = Terry


Find the relative clause.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who played professional basketball, was not always good at the sport.

who played professional basketball (describes Kareem)


Find the verb.

He looked once at the clock. 



Give a synonym for the word/phrase.

Terry thought it was the ugliest thing he had probably ever seen.

the ugliest thing






Identify the noun the pronoun is replacing.

He had a complete set of tools, everything to work on motors. He’d bought it at a rummage sale for thirty dollars two years before

it = complete set


Identify the relative clause.

I walked into school that first day resplendent in my new uniform. 

that first day (gives more detail about walking into school)


Choose the top 2 details

Birds behave strangely during an eclipse.

1) Huge clouds of birds in the air swooped down to the surface in abnormally large numbers.

2) Birds were suddenly silent when the eclipse started.

3) Animals don't know what to do during an eclipse.

1) Huge clouds of birds in the air swooped down to the surface in abnormally large numbers.

2) Birds were suddenly silent when the eclipse started.


Find the verb.

It was in the shape of a cat. 



Give a synonym for the word/phrase.

All of us pack into the truck. Our voices sound like a whole playground as we squeal and squirm.

a whole playground: loud, noisy

squeal and squirm: yell and move around


Identify the noun the pronoun is replacing.

He looked once at the clock on the kitchen wall. It was in the shape of a cat with eyes that went back and forth and the hands were in a circle on the cat’s belly.

it = the clock


Identify the relative clause.

"The clock was in the shape of a cat with eyes that went back and forth and the hands were in a circle on the cat’s belly."

"that went back and forth" (gives more inforamtion about the eyes)


Choose the top 2 details

Animals do strange things during eclipses.

1) 40 people watched 12 animal exhibits at the zoo during the eclipse.

2) The gorillas marched all together to be let in for the evening. 

3) The giraffe herd bang running around their enclosure, only calming down when the sun came out.

4) The bears barely reacted to the eclipse.

2) The gorillas marched all together to be let in for the evening. 

3) The giraffe herd bang running around their enclosure, only calming down when the sun came out.


Find the verb.

He went to the workbench at the end of the garage



Give a synonym for the word/phrase.

"You're making more racket than a bunch of skeletons dancing on a tin roof."


loud noises



Identify the noun and the pronoun it is replacing.

The tools were so complete that they included a torque wrench and special deep-well socket.

they = the tools


Identify the relative clause.

"He went to the workbench at the end of the garage where he worked on his mower."

where he worked on his mower (describes the workbench)


Identify the top 2 details.

There are a few ways to tell if a cranberry is ripe.

1) Ripe cranberries bounce.

2) Some people call cranberries "bounce berries."

3) Cranberries will be shiny and light red to dark red in color when they are ripe. 

4) Cranberries with brown spots are not to be eaten. 

1) Ripe cranberries bounce.

3) Cranberries will be shiny and light red to dark red in color when they are ripe.


Find the verb.

He had a complete set of tools.



Give a synonym for the word/phrase.

"The truck inched towards the gates of McGunn's Iron and Metal, a junkyard that Gus knew well."


moved slowly





Identify the noun the pronoun is replacing.

"Old Glory shimmers like she's dancing the jitterbug. That's what Grandpa calls his pick up truck."

she = old glory

that= pick up truck


Identify the relative clause.

"The fierce competitor that had been awakened in me loved challenges."

that had been awakened in me (describes the competitor)


Find the verbs.

He had bought it for a Christmas present when he was nine years old because he was trying to get his mother’s attention.

had bought

was trying


Give a synonym for the word/phrase.

My refuge from the turmoil outside and the turmoil I had started to feel inside was basketball.

refuge: safe space, safety, retreat, sanctuary, home

turmoil: craziness, commotion, confusion, trouble, upset