Classic Literature
Modern Literature
Young Adult Novels 1
Young Adult Novels 2
This infamous novel is famous for its portrayal of an all-knowing government in the form of Big Brother.
What is 1984?
This character is the main protagonist of the popular "Hunger Games" Series.
Who is Katniss Everdeen?
This is the play in which there are twins, and the twin sister dresses as the guy to get close to the one she loves.
What is Twelfth Night?
This author recently had two books turned into movies, and has written several other books such as "An Abundance of Katherines" and "Looking For Alaska."
Who is John Green?
In this novel, all memories from the world are kept by one person.
What is The Giver?
This character was an escaped slave who provided guidance and companionship to Huck in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."
Who is Jim?
In the Harry Potter series, Harry has a scar on his forehead that is in the shape of this.
What is a lightning bolt?
The Capulets and Montagues are the two warring families in this famous play.
What is Romeo and Juliet?
In this novel, a Freshman named Charlie falls in love with a senior named Sam.
What is The Perks of Being a Wallflower?
This classic young adult novel features an island and a bunch of little boys, specifically a fat boy known as Piggy.
What is Lord of the Flies?
This is the name of Tom Sawyer's girlfriend in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
Who is Becky Thatcher?
This book decries the excesses of the Roaring Twenties and the lifestyles of the rich and famous.
What is The Great Gatsby?
In this play, there is a father that has become a ghost, and it is bad luck to say this plays name when doing a theater performance.
What is Macbeth?
In this novel by Jay Asher, a girl sends out cassette tapes that explain why she killed herself.
What is 13 Reasons Why?
Written in 1971 by an anonymous author, this dark novel follows the story of a young girl with a life gone wrong to drugs and the like.
What is Go Ask Alice?
This author is most famous for writing "Frankenstein."
Who is Mary Shelley?
The main character of "The Catcher in the Rye" loves this particular piece of clothing.
What is a red hunting cap?
This is the name of the girl that drowned herself from greif in Hamlet.
Who is Ophelia?
This novel is often taught in Freshman English and follows the life of an Indian named Junior.
What is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian?
This is the last name of a young adult romance novel author with the first name of Sarah, who wrote "Just Listen," among many many others.
What is Dessen?
This famous book about a certain kind of fishing starts with the line "Call Me Ishmael."
What is Moby Dick?
Ian Fleming is most famous for writing this book series about espionage.
What is the James Bond series?
Whoever chose this question gets the points for this question. Surprise square!!!!
What is 500 points?
In this novel by Lauren Oliver, love is portrayed as a disease, and at a certain age you can be cured of it.
What is Delirium?
Written by Meg Cabot, these novels follow the life of a princess named Mia.
What is The Princess Diaries?