What is the companies main communication platform?
What is Nick's favorite football team?
Who has a controlled substance medication?
RUN ______ RUN
What is the best soda?
Dr. Pepper
(says Amaya) hahaha
When do you start accruing PTO hours?
after your 90 days
How tall is Kevin Hart with shoes on?
What does MAR stand for?
Medication Administration Record
What's the bird's name in Finding Nemo
What foods will Josh binge eat?
Corn dogs, burritos, pop tarts, chili
What is the lowest temperature the AC and window unit suppose to be at?
How long has Christina worked for Curtis Homes?
2 1/2 years
What are some ways to identify a pill if a random pill was found?
1. look at clients meds and see if there is a match
2. pill finder
I may be super but I'm no hero
Said by who?
What is Cameron's favorite kind of sandwich?
soup sandwich
What is our work week?
Sunday to Saturday
What breed of dog is the most owned?
French Bulldog
What are the 7 rights of medication
1. Right Person
2. Right Medication
3. Right Dose
4. Right Time
5. Right Route
6. Right Reason
7. Right Documentation
What is Amaya's favorite movie
Top Gun the Maverick
What energy drinks are Shane's favorite?
What gym can anyone join that's paid for by Curtis Homes?
Anderson Family Fitness
can join after 90 days are up
When was Curtis Homes founded?
November 2016
What do you do when a medication drops and the client wont take it?
2. Get a ziplock bag
3. Put pill in the bag
4. write the medication, the name of the client, the date, your initials
What was the octopus' name in Finding Dory
Where does Ryan buy most of his pantry foods?