How many ribs must be present
What is the defect if hip bone is present?
What is the defect if hanging tender is present?
What is the defect if GM is only on one side?
What is defect 8?
heart fat
Where is diaphragm?
Loin end near end of ribs
If shank meat is exposed what is the defect?
What is the defect if 1 rib on each half extends to the end and is attached to the backbone and there is another 1/2 rib on one side?
What is the defect if hip bone has been removed?
No defect
Where should the rack be removed?
between the 4th and 5th ribs
How many inches is too long?
> 4"
What has to be removed to expose 50% lean
gambrel cord
How short must each tail be from the LD?
If fat side up and sign says Must Grade USDA Choice or better and only the inspection stamp is present, what is the defect?
How long can the neck be?
Where do you measure length from?
If no gluteus is present - is the leg cut more anterior or posterior
Anterior (more loin left)
How much kidney fat can be present in the loin?
1/2" of less
What is the defect if the flank isn't straight?
What is the defect if cartilage is present on rib 2?
What defect would 9 ribs be?
If the leg is bone side up and sign says Must Grade USDA Choice, what is the defect?
No defect can't see grade stamp so ignore sign
Which end do you start measuring 75% or less kidney fat from?
Sirloin end
6 & 7
too much breast