The famous line once said by the ex-basketball player from New York.
What is *screech* "cRaCk CaNCeR?
what girl did mer put in ashley's bowl of boys she liked?
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who is sarah lopez
meredith wanting to go to something that no one wanted her to go to
what is breakfast club
just doing my
"maid work"
The activity Meredith did all the time with her BIG CRUSH in 7th grade to make her like him.
What is Housepartying?
what was our waiter's name?
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ashley pouring something in merediths drink
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"wanna see my flips"
emma's sister
The color of the heart emoji Lauren used next to her second boyfriends name.
What is yellow?
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what is the front of the camera facing us
The food that meredith kept eating in the cape
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on the dock in marthas vineyard
"heyo rick we still on the dock"
What is One Direction vs. Big Time Rush?
what did mer get at cesca's
what is bolongese
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"guys idk about this"
meredith in the cape before...
Meredith once said she would have a crush on him out of all the boys in 7 Blue.
Who is Andrew Bromberg?
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what is lauv by lauv by aidan gallagher
meredith screaming in shannons basement
what is among us?
"so you came here yourself"