Q1 Stories
Wild Card
Name That Signpost
Rock & River
The Outsiders

I am young, forgetful and scared of my own shadow.  

Who is Duffy?


You don't want to mess with me when I'm walking home at night.

Who is Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.


"Anger makes you foolish" (Magoon 90).

What is Words of the Wiser


I'm the leader of the Chicago Black Panther Party who give Sam advice at the end of the novel.

Who is Leroy Jackson?


I wear wine-colored sweaters on my body, a wreckless grin on my face and I have a hot-temper.

Who is Bob Sheldon?


We are brother & sister, love the water and lived to tell about a very uncommon sea adventure.

Who are Scoot and Sully?

All I really wanted was a pair of blue-suede shoes, but I got so much more than I expected.

Who is Roger?

"He decided to keep saying it into the day and the rest of the night or as long as it took to penetrate the hull with words, 'skylight, skylight'" (Taylor 16).

What is Again & Again?


I'm always smiling about something, even though my dad died in prison and I have to support my mother and sister.

Who is Bucky Willis?


I'm a tough, tow-headed boy with a bitter grin on a hard face.

Who is Dally?


I have been bitten by a rodent, sent to an insane asylum and have quite the story to tell.

Who is Itchoua?


I'm originally from Holland, I like traveling by boat and run at the smell of fresh meat.

Who are the rats?


"A stream of what ifs (?) flooded my mind" (Magoon 247).

What is Tough Questions?


I run the bathroom water so no one knows I'm crying.  I stand by (and up to) my man.

Who is Marjorie Childs?


I'm a hurt little puppy-dog with a frightened expression on my face.

Who is Johnny Cade?


I traveled to France to learn to fly, wanted to start my own school and am known as a daredevil in the air.

Who is Bessie Coleman?


It's impossible to get mad at me, even though I throw shade like - "He's so greasy he glides when he walks.  He goes to the barber for an oil change, not a haircut" (Hinton 114).

Who is Two-Bit Matthews?


"It was almost four months ago.. It was Johnny's blue jeans jacket-the only jacket he had" (Hinton 31-32).

What is Memory Moment?


I was inspired to join the Movement because the first time I heard HIM speak, it lit a fire inside me.  No wonder the whole community looks up to him.

Who is Roland Childs.


I drive a blue Mustang, my dad wants me to testify in court and I don't want to disappoint him.

Who is Randy Anderson?


I am young, love to fly and (to my detriment) afraid of nothing at all.

Who is Icarus?


I track people down like a giant bloodhound.  I'm a man-like creature who stands in the moonlight and sniffs the wind.

Who is The Sentinel of the Woods?

"Big deal.  I busted the end off my bottle and held onto the neck and tossed away my cigarette. 'You get back into your car or you'll get split'" (Hinton 171).

What is Contrast & Contradiction?


My daddy don't know which way is up and if he did he wouldn't care what we do.  (Even if I slapped him in the face with a purple glove.)

Who is Maxie?


I'm am Sodapop's best friend, yet mean and ornery and I like to chew on a sleeve or collar.

Who is Mickey Mouse?