Gunpowder Empires
China and Japan
The Americas

These wars all aimed at retaking the holy land and were mostly failures.

What were the Crusades?


This city became very important to the Ottoman empire because of its position as a bridge between the continents of Europe and Asia.

What is Constantinople?


The Tokugawa Shogunate implemented this style of governance, translated in English to "Tent Government."

What is Bakufu?


This Empire practiced a regimented schedule of ritual sacrifices to appease the gods and ensure the rising of the sun.

What is the Aztec Empire?


This Empire, encompassing much of modern-day Germany and France, is a prime example of Feudal Society in Europe.

What is The Holy Roman Empire?


Many Medieval European villages and towns conformed to this system of land ownership/governance.

What is the Manorial system?


These two Gunpowder Empires shared a common thread of Highly Centralized Governments.

Who are the Ottoman and Safavid?


This Dynasty suspended Maritime expeditions in 1433 to focus their resources inward.

What is the Ming Dynasty?


DAILY DOUBLE: The Aztec discovered the remains of this Mayan City and believed it to be built by the gods, hence the name "City of the Gods."

What is Teotihuacan?


This type of worker/tradesmen was often held separate to, outside of, or at the bottom of the feudal class structure, often being foreigners.

What are Merchants?


The crowning of Charlemagne by this man marked the consolidation of Germanic power with the Church and Roman Legacy.

Who is Pope Leo II?


This Empire conforms to the Shia branch of Islam, and comprises much of the area of modern-day Iran.

What is the Safavid Empire?


The Manchu formed this non-Chinese ruling group after gathering enough force to take control of China from a then weakened Ming Dynasty.

What is the Qing Dynasty?


This Spanish Conquistador conquered the city of Tenochtitlan in 1519, shortly thereafter renaming it to Mexico City.

Who is Hernan Cortes?


This class of toiling Peasantry were tied to the land they worked on and often could not leave without the consent of their local lord or king.

What are Serfs?


During the Middle Ages, this Institution became the source of much of the criticism that fell on failing governments.

the Church.


Despite this Empires majority Muslim Power Structure, much of its total population were non-Muslim.

What is the Mughal Empire?


DAILY DOUBLE: This Italian Missionary attempted to convert the ruling class in Feudal Japan by adopting Japanese cultural practices and appeasing to Japanese trading interests.

Who was Matteo Ricci?


This Empire constructed a sophisticated system of roads to connect its empire and allow for easier control and management.

What is the Incan Empire?


With the rise of Feudal Japan came a boom in this class of warrior elite. once you're in, you can't get out.

What are Samurai?


Despite its foreboding name, this period in world history did NOT result in a decrease in literacy and learning.

What is the Dark Ages?


This Mughal Ruler Promoted a hybrid culture mixing Indian, Persian, and Turkic ideals.

Who is Akbar?


Mistrust of European Missionaries and Merchants led Japanese leadership to institute this diplomatic policy.

What is Isolationism?


This idea was adopted by both the Aztec and Inca Empires to explain the roles of Men and Women in their respective societies.

What is Gender Parallelism?


This event occurred in Feudal Europe and dealt with who held the authority over the appointment of bishops.

What is the Lay Investiture Controversy?