Froggys real name and home
Who is Charlie Charming fro the Charming kingdom
The Wishing Spell idems
What are Cinderella's Glass Slipper, Fairy tears, Red riding hoods basket, The spindal, Rapunzels hair, The Troll and Goblin crown, and The Little Mermaids dagger
The books Alex and Conner travel into (Book 4)
What are the Wonderful World of Oz, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Peter Pan, King Arthur, and Robin Hood
Patunia and Rosmarys hobbies
What are art and baking
The book Alex and Conner meet the Gingerbread witch
What is book 1
The first people Alex and Conner see when entering the Land of Stories
Who are Snow White guards
Alex and Conner's story choices on the assignment (book 1)
What are Cinderella and The Boy who Cried Wolf
The first Setting in the 1st book
What is Mrs. Peters class room
The age of Alex and Conner in the 3rd book
What is 13
The book Conner tells Bree about the Land of Stories
What is book 3
The members of the Fairy council (according to the first book)
Who are The Fairy Godmother, Mother goose, Rosette, Tangerina, Xanthous, Emerelda, Skylene, Violetta, and Coral
The 3rd wishing spell idem Alex and Conner retreive
What is Red Riding hoods basket
The place Alex and Conner appear in the land of stories in book 2
What is The Ugly Duckling pond
The amount of years the Grande armee is trapped in time VS the amount of time Conner and Bree are
What is 200 years and 2 weeks
The book The Fairy Godmother dies in
What is book 3
Alex and Conner take them with them from Oz
Who are the Tin woodsman and Blubo the flying monkey
What Mother Goose gives Conner at the end of book 2
What is a poker chip
The place Conner calls Mother Goose using a mirror (book 3)
What is the Airport bathroom
the famous artist Mother goose dated
Who is Leonardo DaVinci,
The book 24 children go missing in
What is book 4
Who are Jacks giant, the Evil Queen, The sea witch, The Evil Stepmother, and the Enchanress (Ezmia)
The thing Morina Sells
What is a beauty potion
Where Mother gooses stone lion lived
What is the Red Lion Brewery
Members of the "Book Huggers"
Who are Mindy, Cindy, Lindy and Wendy
The book Mrs. Bailey gets married to bob
What is book 2