Who told Odysseus about the blind prophet?
Circe, a goddess.
What did Odysseus sacrifice for Tiresias?
A handsome black lamb.
Where did Elpenor die?
Aeaea, Circe's island.
Who is Tiresias?
A blind prophet.
What did Tiresias say about Helios' cattle?
To avoid them.
What did Odysseus receive from Aeolus
A sack of winds.
Who is Tiresias?
A blind prophet.
What did Elpenor ask for?
Why does Odysseus want to consult him?
What did Tiresias say about the journey?
Who is Aeolus?
King of the winds.
Why were the sacrifices necessary?
Did Odysseus accept his request?
What did Tiresias hold?
A golden staff.
What will happen to Odysseus' house?
Who are the Laestrygonians?
A tribe of cannibals.
What liquid did Odysseus pour down the pit?
What did the spirit know Odysseus as?
The son of Laertes.
What did Tiresias ask Odysseus to do?
To put up his sword.
How many men will make it back to Ithaca?
Only Odysseus.
How many ships were remaining by the end of the prologue?
What was the other name for the land of the dead?
Who did Odysseus meet after Elpenor left?
The spirit of Autolycus, his mother.
What did Tiresias request before making the prophecy?
A seaborn death.