Planning Board
Zoning Board
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This is the Permit required for steep slopes and/or an internally lit sign, such as a neon or LED which are prohibited. 

What is a Conditional Use Permit


Certain uses in each of the Town's Zoning Districts are allowed only by this

What is a Special Exception


My acronym is HDC and no, it's not High Density Clouds.

What is the Historic District Commission 


She's the Director at TTCC and also serves on the Select Board

Who is Les Dion


Joanne is going to be getting her 1st tattoo's on Thursday, what is she getting?

What is the constellation symbols for Leo (Elle) and Sagittarius (Bailey)


This is an addition, deletion or revision of language in the Zoning Ordinance.

What is a Zoning Amendment.


I live in the lake district and do not have Town Water or Sewer, what are the setbacks I need to adhere to?

What is 20'


If a property owner wishes to replace the siding on their house, what do they need to apply for with the Town?

Nothing - no permit is required.


Between Memorial Day and Columbus Day, this can be applied for?

What is a Temporary Camping permit


In the recent training put on by Primex at the HTH, what turns tend to have the highest % of accidents?

What is turning left. 


If you have a special property with a condition that imposes hardships to your land, like a stream or an oddly shaped plot, you may qualify for this...

What is a Variance


Seriously, I totally disagree with the outcome of the decision made by the Zoning Board, do I have any options?

What is file for a Motion of Rehearing -or- Appeal of an Administrative Decision


If you take me out of where you found me, please replace me with this

What is an Outguide


This is who the Town currently is contracted with as the Utility appraiser

Who is Brian Fogg?


Starting this past Sunday, October 1st, in the downtown square area, the decorating and event committee are promoting this 30 day activity?

What is Scarecrows in Bristol Square. 


If you're looking for me in the file room and I've been a case in front of the Planning Board, you should find me in this....

What is a manilla folder


No building or structure, or part thereof, shall exceed this height as measured from the point thereof to the average natural or graded permanent ground level.

What is 35'


This group's job is to protect and preserve Bristol's natural resources.

What is the Conservation Commission


This is the minimum distance a septic system can be from a designated wetland

What is 125'


So, my driveway was recently paved, where will that be captured on my tax card?

What is under Features.


This is required when any development of land as well as redevelopment of change of use, whether or not such development includes a subdivision or re-subdivision of the site, including an applicant's attention to such critical design elements are subject to this.

What is a Full Site Plan Review


We are the seven districts within the Town of Bristol

What is: Corridor Commercial, Downtown Commercial, Industrial, Lake District, Rural, Village Commercial, Village Residential


Name 5 out of the 9 items needed on an example of a plot plan

What is:

All existing building dimensions, setback dimensions, proposed building dimensions, lot coverage calculation, parking/travel lanes, Street/ROWs, North Arrow, Locus Map, Loading/Dumpster zones, Scale


I'm a retail business in Bristol Square and now want to open a bakery instead, what if anything do I need to do with the Town?

1. Contact the Land Use Dept.

2. Determine if a site plan is required, if so, file the appropriate application.


What makes up the Tax Rate for the Town?

What is the Town Rate, Local School Rate, State School Rate and County Rate