Land use

The concentration of population into cities is known as...



What country produces the most timber worldwide?



A farmer in a rural area is no longer able to grow crops on his land because of increased droughts in the area. He must relocate to a city in order to find new work. This is an example of...

A push factor!


When attempting to maximize reforestation efforts, should we plant more trees on the outskirts of a forest or at the core of the forest?

The core!


The sequence in which cities originally formed (there are 4, name at least 3)

Hunting/gathering, farming, specialized trades, growth of cities


List 3 characteristics of trees that are used for softwood.

They are gymnosperms, they grow quickly, they have a large number of air-filled pores in the trunk. (Other answers may be accepted)


The land needed to support a city with food, electricity and other materials can be _____ times larger than the city itself.



Name 3 benefits of forests.

Trees provide a line of defense against floods and landslides, trees store carbon within their trunks for many years, trees reduce air pollution. (Other answers may be accepted)


The type of urban sprawl characterized by spreading along roadways is known as...



What does the timber industry use to generate an estimate for a tree's value? Name 3 factors.

Diameter at breast height (DBH), The height of the tree, the tree species. (Other answers may be accepted)


What agricultural practice involves planting crops after the cash crop is harvested to prevent soil from runoff?

Cover crops.


To protect trees from the spotted lanternfly in Pennsylvania, many residents wrap tape around tree trunks and the lanternflies get stuck while climbing the trunk. This is an example of what type of pest control?

Physical pest control. 


Name 3 Pull Factors caused by cities.

Availability of entertainment, opportunities for specialized careers, availability of efficient infrastructure.


What are the benefits of prescribed burning of forests? (Name 2)

It prevents underbrush from growing too densely, it reduces the likelihood of uncontrolled wildfires, their importance was recognized after the success of the Smokey the Bear campaign. (Other answers may be accepted)


Name 3 facts about organic farming from your notes. 

Organic farms use biosolids/manure as fertilizer, use of GMOS are banned, organic farms are less productive than traditional farms. 


The combination of chemical, biological, and physical pest control in forest management is known as...

Integrated pest control. 


Name 2 environmental benefits and 2 environmental consequences of cities. 

Answers vary. 

Ex. Answer: 

Benefits: Energy efficiency is improved, education and jobs are closeby and available, better infrastructure is available in cities. 

Downsides: Loss of biodiversity in the area, noise and light pollution, water pollution from runoff in the city. 


Describe 1 benefit and 1 downside to both selective harvesting and clear-cutting methods of timber harvesting.

Selective harvesting keeps the ecosystem healthy by carefully choosing which trees to remove, but it might not make as much money because it takes more time and effort. (More effort, less $$ in return, less environmental impact)

Clear-cutting is faster and cheaper since it removes all the trees in an area, but it can harm the environment by destroying habitats and causing soil problems.  (Less effort, more $$ in return, more environmental impact)


Downsides of Euclidian Zoning (Name 3)

Traffic congestion from commuters, Segregation and discrimmination based on residence, air and water pollution


What are the 3 E's of sustainability?

Environment, economy, and equity.