Class Rules
Class Procedures
School Procedures
Teacher Fax

When do we have quizzes?

What is Friday?


Profe Lander's classroom

What is keep things clean? What is pick up my trash? What is put the books back nicely? What is put away supplies in an organized fashion?


Where do I turn in assignments?

Where is VHL?

Where is the turn in basket for our room if asked for a physical copy?

Where is a picture on canvas if asked for?


What happens the first time you are caught using a cell phone in class?

What is a verbal warning is given, a message is sent to parents or guardians, and the violation is recorded


What is my name?

Who is SeƱora (Sra). Lander, Profe Lander, Profesora Lander, etc.?


Where should you check daily for homework assignments?

What is the class Canvas page?


Respect the teacher

What is don't talk while she is talking?

What is be polite and talk in a civilized manner?


When can I pack up?

What is when teacher dismisses?


What happens the second time you are caught using a cell phone in class?

What is a verbal warning is given, a message is sent to parents or guardians, and the violation is recorded


How many kids does Profe Lander have?

What is 4?


Where will most of the homework be found when you go to do it?

What is the VHL website?

Read the room

What is be respectful


What can bathroom passes be used for?

What are to use the bathroom or take a small breather?

What are a low grade on a quiz, homework, or communication assignment?


What happens the third time you are caught using a cell phone in class?

What is the phone will be given to the school administration, a referral written, student cell phone privileges will be revoked while at school, and communication home will be made by administration?


Where have I lived?

What is Idaho, Hawaii, Utah, Oregon, and Dominican Republic?


Name 3 things that are required for supplies?

What are composition notebook, plastic binder with sleeves, writing utensils, highlighters, charged chromebook?


Be Prepared

What is get to class on time?

What is have chromebooks charged up?

What is have needed materials?


Which websites are allowed for homework and projects use?


What happens if I am dishonest?

What is given a 0 for the assignment or test? 

What is I cheat myself of a good education?


What does my family like to do together?

What is travel?

What is anything to do with water?


How much are exams, presentations, and projects worth of my grade?

What is 50%?


The most important rule in Profe Lander's class

What is create a good learning environment by being respectful to others?


What is the late work policy?

What is 5% per day for projects and homework other than VHL?

What is a flat 25% after grace period for VHL?


What does dishonesty look like?

What is giving answers to a classmate or letting them see my answers?

What is copying off someone else?

What is using any website, except for the approved Lander websites to get answers?

What is using any source, except my own brain, for answers during the test?


Profe Lander's husband's name

Who is Jacob?