this is where a river ends.
this is a large flat landform that is used primarily for growing crops.
plain / prairie
give one example of weathering.
physical, chemical, biological
what are the four cardinal directions?
this is the layer of earth that is in the sky, it is a layer of gases that surrounds us.
this is where a river starts.
this is a tall landform with snow capped peaks.
what is deposition?
it is where something is deposited by weathering and erosion
what is the small four pointed star that shows the directions N, S, E, and W?
compass rose
this is the layer of earth where most water is present, primarily in the oceans.
what are the pieces of material, like small rocks, silt and sand, that get carried down a river and cause erosion?
this landform is lower than a mountain, but taller than the land around it.
this occurs when broken down pieces of earth's crust are carried away by wind or water.
what kind of map uses contour lines to show the shape of earth's surface?
topographic map
this layer is a hard outer layer of earth, also the surface of most of the land that we live on.
why are river deltas so important?
they are fertile farmland
this landform is an area of land in the middle of a body of water, surrounded by water on all sides.
what kind of map uses shading to show height instead of contour lines?
relief map
in which layer of earth would you find sea creatures and lots of water?
these are the bends or s-shapes in rivers.
this kind of landform is formed via weathering and erosion, and normally has a river running through it.
how is weathering different from erosion?
weathering is the breaking down of things, erosion is the transportation of those broken down things elsewhere
how many continents are there?
seven (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America)
what is the order of earth's layers?
first lithosphere, second hydrosphere, third atmosphere