A landform made up entirely of sand
Sand Dune
What is land extinction?
Where a species of animal, land, or plant completely disappears from the Earth due to things like habitat loss and other changes
True or False? Half the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean
what type of landform is an ocean trench?
Tectonic. This is when one plate slides under another
What is an example of a valley?
Name two causes of landforms
tectonic plate movement and water erosion
When are species most likely to go extinct?
when there is minimal geographical ranges because many individuals may experience droughts, floods or habitat destruction
what happens if the ocean gets to acidic?
nothing will survive...nothing!
What is one thing landforms impact?
Human settlement patterns
How are plains created?
erosion and sediment disposition
A type of landform with a flat top and steep sides usually found in hot areas
Driven by human activity, mainly through the unsustainable use of land, water, and energy use
The Sixth Mass Extinction
Name at least one reason why the ocean is a big part of our survival
It is the LARGEST source of oxygen on our planet
How are mountains formed?
Tectonic plate collision and/or volcanic activity
This type of landform can be sandy, or rocky
A depression formed by collision of a large object
Impact crater
Explain deforestation
cutting down trees that destroy habitats and affects rural communities that lead to food insecurity and cause damage to ecosystems
This generates at least 10% of oxygen on the planet
This landform is created through uplift or lava accumulation
The process where different plant species colonize a bare sand area
The most recognizable volcanic landform, built from the materials erupted from a volcano
Volcanic cones
how does deforestation affect plants and animals?
land erosion and depleted soil and this is an important nutrient for animals. when theses sources are lost, animals become weakened and more vulnerable to disease and starvation
What happened overtime when the ocean began to form?
It separated into layers of lighter and heavier rock. the lighter rock formed Earth's crust. The heavier rock formed Earth's core
What is a collection of Dunes called?
A belt or dune field
This is when sand particles collide and push each other