A large, tall, rocky area of land that comes up out of the Earth's surface. It has a peak at the top.
What river is closest to us?
Susquehanna River
The curve in a river is called....
An area of low land between two mountains or hills, that is "U" or "V" shaped.
A mound of raised land that us smaller than a mountain. Usually formed when mountains wear away OR can be formed by humans
There are 5 of them in the Northern US. They were formed by glaciers a LONG time ago. They are larger than creeks and ponds.
The Great Lakes
A major body of water that covers large parts of the Earth. Usually salty and have names like Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, etc.
Cone shaped mountain. Rock and ash come out of it. Has an opening at the top.
A very famous valley/canyon in the U.S. Located in Arizona & Colorado
the Grand Canyon
What landform is Enola part of?
Susquehanna Valley
An area of land that is completely surrounded by water.
Why is there sometimes snow at the top of a mountain?
Because it is really cold
A large low area of flat land that is often grassy. (Also a homophone!)
The dry grassy area in the middle of the United States
The Great Plains?
Where does a river lead?
An ocean or lake
A strip of land that extends out into a body of water and has water on 3 sides of it (Example: Italy, Alaska, Florida)
Can be hot or cold. Antarctica is one of these. VERY dry, little to no precipitation
What state is also a string of islands?
A _____ is usually found at the bottom of a valley in between 2 mountains
A landform is....
a natural shape or feature of the earth's surface