Wh Questions?
Explain your thinking

Land with water all around it.

What is an Island?


A marsh is mostly wet.

A desert is mostly dry.

What opposite words does the author use to  describe the marsh on page 6 and the desert on page 7?


What is the book mostly about?

This book is mostly about landforms.


Which would you need a boat to visit? An island or a mountain? Explain.

You would need a boat to visit an island, because according to the story it has water all around it.

Mostly flat, grassy land

What is a plain?


A mountain is high.

A valley is low.

What opposite words does the author use to describe the mountain and the valley? How does the photo help you understand the text?


How does the picture on page 6 help you understand what the word marsh means?

The picture shows grass and water, and a place that is mostly wet.


Where might someone most likely climb on a tree- on a plain or in a forest? Explain.

You would most likely climb on a tree in a forest because a forest has lots of trees and little grass, according to the text.


An area of land that is mostly wet

What is a marsh?


A plain has lots of grass and few trees.

A forest has lots of trees and little grass.

What words does the author use to describe plains? How is this opposite from a forest?


What information can you learn about the book by looking at the front and back covers and the title page?

I can learn about different types of landforms by looking at the front and back cover because I see valleys, a mountain, and an island, different types of landforms.


Where might you see ducks in a marsh or desert? Explain.

You would be more likely to see ducks in a marsh because a marsh is mostly wet but a desert is mostly dry, no water for ducks to swim in.


A place that gets very little rain.

What is a desert?


A lake is water that has land all around it.

An island has water all around it.

How are lakes and islands opposites?


What does a lake have around it? How are a lake and island alike? How are they different?

According to the text, a lake has water all around it. A lake is like an island because they both have things around them, a lake has land around it and an island has water around it.


Where might you see camels? In a desert or in a lake? Explain.

You would be more likely to see camels in a desert because a desert is mostly dry and camels store water in their backs.


A low-lying land between mountains and hills

What is a valley?


A mountain is high.

A valley is low

What words does the author use on page 8 to describe how mountains and valleys are opposites?


What does a plain have lots of according to the story?

According to the story, a plain has lots of grass and few trees.


Which might you climb to the top of- a mountain or a valley? Explain.

You would be more likely to climb to the top of a mountain, because according to the text, a mountain is high and you climb to a high place.