Sacred Spaces
Non-Western Art

Destination for those making the hajj, a spiritual pilgrimage to Mecca.

What is The Kaaba?


Romanesque church in Conques, France containing a reliquary

What is the Church of Sainte-Foy? 1050-1130



Traditions and Changes Picasso used in les demoiselles d'avignon 

(Traditions) : What is a female nude? What is referencing Venus? Woman on the left as a Kuoros figure (okay a little stretch but true! Picasso loved art history!)

(Changes): what is extremely abstracted form (ie. of a female nude, angular body of a female nude vs. curves of natural body) What is aggressive gaze and stance of a female nude? What is referencing non-western artwork as inspiration? 


Convention in Egyptian sculpture for a standing pharoah.

What is blocky strong stone?

What are clenched fists?

What is no negative space?

What is left foot forward?

What is fake beard and headdress?

What Is idealized figure?


Compare The Ambum Stone to another artwork in the 250.


Lamassu, Citadel of Sargon II.

Apollo Stones

Great Hall of Bulls

Last judgment of Hu-Nefer


Characteristics of the ancient Egyptian time period under the rule of Akhetaten, and what that time period is called. 

What is the Armana period? 

-Figures (even Akhetaten) shown much more feminine, rounded breasts, large hips and stomach

-Nefertiti raised to a high position, almost equal to the pharaoh 

-entire state religion shifted, new god Aton instead of Amun


The three different types of Greek Temples, and how to tell them apart. 

What is Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian? 


Illuminated manuscript illustrating the story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt under Moses and its subsequent celebration of Passover.

What is Golden Haggadah

Golden Haggadah. Northern Spain. Gothic. 1320 CE.



Innovations in Greek Hellenistic sculpture.

What is more movement?

What are new themes like: childhood, old age, despair, anger, and drunkenness?

What is sculpture in the round?

What are a wide range of emotions?


The name of this artwork, and compare it to another artwork in the 250 that shows suffering.

What is Röttgen Pietà, c. 1300-25, painted wood?

Possible Comparison: The Seated Boxer, Memorial Sheet for Karl Liebknecht, Lamentation by Giotto 


Innovations of Gothic architecture.

Name a Gothic church.

What are flying buttresses? Stained glass? Rose windows? Rib vaults? pinnacles?

What is Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. c. 1145–1155?


Architectural Innovation used by Stonehenge

What is post and lintel?


Describe specific characteristics of Dutch painting seen in this work.

What are quiet interior?

What is small and concentrated?

What are meticulously rendered details?

What are no historical associations?

What is simple but asks the viewer to contemplate its meaning?

What is genre scene?

What is mercantile activity seen in a symbolic setting?


Compare & contrast this artwork to another in the 250 

Michelangelo's David, 1501

What is Donatello's David? 1408



Estate of 15th century Inkan rulers. 200 buildings: houses, temples, palaces, baths and an astronomical observatory, most using a trapezoidal shape.

People farmed on the terraces.

Set at 8,000 feet in the Andes Mountains of Peru

What is Machu Picchu?


Aztec Temple in Mexico City

What is Templo Mayor? 1375-1520


Example of Chicago style skyscraper.

What is Louis Sullivan's, Carson, Pirie, Scott building


Compare Turner's Slave Ship, 1840 with another Romantic painting.

What is Thomas Cole's The Oxbow, 1836

Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830

Ingres, La Grand Odalisque, 1814

Goya's And There's Nothing to Be Done, 1810


The name of this artist and sculpture and the continuty & changes seen 

Who is Auguste Rodin – The Burghers of Calais?

(Continuity) The artistic representation of heroes as a subject matter, depicting heroes in a sculpture form (bronze, marble, etc.), a commission of a hero to honor a hero and also inspire the viewer!, public artwork

(Changes) unidealized figures of heroes, emotional portrayal of despair rather than strong, depicting the heroes in poor and torn clothing (even noose around necks), no clear focal point or ONE hero, displayed publicly on the ground and at an interactive level but not on a pedestal (Calais did not like this...) 


Uniquely carved wooden object used by a select few to "read" and express ancestral stories.

What is Lukasa memory board by the Luba peoples?


Two temples in the 250 and compare and contrast them.

What is Temple of Minerva?

What is the Parthenon?

What is the Pantheon?

What is White Temple & its ziggurat?

What is Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall?

What is Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut?

What is Templo Mayor, Main Aztec temple?

What is Petra, Jordan: Treasury and Great Temple?

What is Lakshmana Temple?

What is Angkor, the temple of Angkor Wat?


What is this structure? And what is the innovation?

What is The Pantheon (a former Roman temple, now a Catholic church) 113 CE?

What is a concrete dome?

What are coffers?

What is an oculus?



Attribute this painting to the artist who created it.

Identify a painting by the artist in the 250. Justify your answer by comparing the 2 works.

 What is "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh?


Attribute this artwork to the artist who created it.

Identify an artwork by the same artist in the 250. Using specific details, justify your attribution by comparing the two works.

What is Fountain by Marcel Duchamp? 


Two African masks that honor women with an idealized representation.

What is Pwo mask from the Chokwe people of the Congo? (worn by men to honor female ancestors)


What is Bundu mask? Mende, Sande Society of Sierra Leone (honors young women on the road to adulthood)