Year Langston Hughes was born
What is 1901?
Hughes used ___ device in: "He did a lazy sway...He did a lazy sway"
What is Repetition?
The purpose of blues music
What is "blues genre expresses struggles of Black life in America"?
State where Langston Hughes grew up
What is Missouri?
Hughes used ___ device in: "He slept like a rock or a man that's dead"
What is simile?
Historical significance of "Ain't got nobody...Ain't got nobody" in Hughes' poem
What is "experiences of Black Americans facing racism, segregation, economic hardship"?
Langston Hughes was a prominent figure of __ historical movement
What is the Renaissance?
Hughes used ___ device in: "He made that poor piano moan with melody"
What is personification?
Historical significance of "He slept like a rock or a man that's dead" in Hughes' poem
What is "physical exhaustion, overworked, inequality"?
What is Columbia (and Lincoln) University?
Hughes used ___ device in: "I's gwine to quit ma frownin'"
What is diction?
Historical significance of "He made that poor piano moan with melody" in Hughes' poem
What is "shows music's emotional power + pain in African American culture"?
The most popular poem Langston Hughes wrote during the Harlem Renaissance
What is "I, Too"?
Hughes used ___ device in: "With his ebony hands on each ivory key"
What is historical allusion?
Historical significance of "With his ebony hands on each ivory key" in Hughes' poem
What is "blending of Black identity with Western culture"?