Unscramble Sentence
Similes and Metaphors
Noun/verb agreement
Questions/ Predictions

read Police the suspect his rights.

Police read the suspect his rights.


After her roommate moved out suddenly, Whitney was left "high and dry", paying all the rent herself.

without help


Perry swam across the pool like a dolphin.

Gracefully, easily


___ represents all the scientists here.

He; We



What will happen next?

"You can touch the crabs, but only on their bodies. Don't touch their claws," said the aquarium worker. "Pay attention because crabs can move fast."

Mandy was a little nervous. She didn't want to get pinched by the crab's hard claws. She reached down and gently touched the crab's shell. The crab didn't seem to mind. Suddenly Sanjay screamed, "Look out!"

Mandy looked up at Sanjay, surprised. Mandy's hand was still in the tank.

The crab pinches Mandy.


everyone handed Mom a napkin.

Mom handed everyone a napkin.


The pioneers had a "close shave" when a stampede of buffalo quickly rushed by their camp.

A risky situation that ends okay


The car engine sounded like a lion's roar.

Simile; Very loud


They ___ into the ocean waves.

Plunges; Plunge



Wanda opened the door to the backyard to let her dog Sparky in. Sparky had been out all day. Wanda looked around the whole yard, but she didn't see him.

She listened for the jingle that Sparky's collar made when he moved. But the yard was still.

Wanda stepped outside and closed the door behind her. "Sparky!" she called.

Wanda noticed that the gate was open. "Uh-oh," she thought.

Wanda looks outside the gate for Sparky.


vegetables Early settlers before winter pickled.

Early settlers pickled vegetables before winter.


We agree on almost all of the plan, so why should we "split hairs" over this one detail?

to fight over tiny differences

The joking boys and girls are silly clowns.

Metaphor; very goofy


___ carries the coal to the factory.

We; It



Lisa lay in her sleeping bag, wide awake. It was late, and the campground was silent. Lisa wanted to dip her feet into the calm, glassy water of the stream down the road. But the camp leader told the campers they had to walk with a partner at night. She looked over to see if Alice was still awake.

Alice looked over at her. "I can't sleep either," Alice whispered.

"I know," Lisa whispered back, "but I have an idea."

Lisa and Alice leave the tent.


Detectives the mystery on Monday solved.

Detectives solved the mystery on Monday.


No one plays pranks on Mrs. Davidson, because she has eyes in the back of her head.

To know everything that's going on


Jack's eyes are bright green emeralds.



It ___ away the specks of dirt.

Wash; Washes



Leo stopped to look at a map on the library wall.

"That's strange. Look at this old map of our town," Leo said to his friend Zeke. Leo pointed to the map. "That's your street. That's where my street should be, but there's no street. It's just one big house," Leo observed.

"The map says it's called Atlas Place," Zeke added.

"I wonder if we can find things from Atlas Place in my backyard!" Leo exclaimed.

Leo and Zeke look for clues about Atlast Place in Leo's backyard.


Myra banjo the evening in plays.

Myra plays banjo in the evening.


Matthew complained so much about the meeting that Gabrielle finally told him to put a cork in it.

Stop talking right now


Mrs. Maxwell is kind, and her heart is gold.

Metaphor; she is a good person


___claims the climate is better down south.

He; We



Mary looked out the kitchen window into the yard. She saw the huge pile of snowballs she had made yesterday. Today's snowball fight with her big brothers was going to be great.

"Ken! Peter! Wake up!" Mary called. She waited while they ate breakfast. They were so slow! After breakfast, the kids headed outside to play. Mary raced ahead of her brothers.

"Ken! Peter! Think fast!" Mary yelled.

Mary throws snowballs at Ken and Peter.