Language + Theories
Stages of Development + The Brain
Decision- Making

What is language?

A set of symbols that convey meaning, and the rules for combining those symbols.


What does language development look like from birth to 1 year?

- birth to 2 months: physiological noises

- 2 months: cooing, 1-syllable noises

- 6 months: babbling

- 12 months: 1st word


What is the general framework for problem-solving?

define problem, assess -> generate potential solutions -> select solution and execute -> check results


What is the theory of Bounded Rationality?

In many situations our ability to make rational decisions is limited by things like a lack of information, time constraints, or emotions attached to aspects of the problem.


What is the linguistic relativity hypothesis?

One’s language determines the nature of one’s thought

What are critical and sensitive periods?



What are algorithms?

- step-by-step procedures that are guaranteed to achieve a particular goal.


What are the two types of preference decisions? 

Additive Strategies: We list and rate the attributes of each option in order to make a decision

Elimination by Aspects: We make a decision by gradually eliminating unattractive alternatives


What is the difference between lexical meaning and connotations?

lexical = direct, explicit meaning formally given to a word; connotations = the feelings/evaluations we associate with a word


What occurs at 18 months - 2 years?

Vocabulary Spurt

Fast Mapping


What are subgoals?

intermediate steps to solve a problem.


What is the difference between subjective utility and subjective probability?

Subjective Utility=Estimating what an outcome is personally worth to an individual

Subjective Probability=Personal estimates of probabilities.


Describe the four components of language structure.

Phonemes - smallest units of sound

Morphemes - smallest units of language that convey meaning

Syntax - system of using words and their order to convey meaning 

Pragmatics - practical aspects of using language


What is Broca's Aphasia? (Include Location of area)

B - frontal (MAC),difficulty with language production and inability to speak with proper grammar

Name the other 5 approaches to problem solving?

trial and error, heuristics, working backwards, searching for analogies, changing the representation of the problem


What is the difference between an availability and represantative heuristic?

Availability Heuristic: Estimate probability based on how quickly you can remember relevant examples of an event.

 Representativeness Heuristic: Estimate probability of an event based on how typical that event is


Compare Noam Chomsky's theory of language acquisition/ Behaviorist theory

behaviorism focuses on external factors and learning through imitation and reinforcement, while Chomsky's theory highlights internal, innate language structures and the natural predisposition humans have for language acquisition.


What is Wernicke's Aphasia? (Include Location of area) 

temporal lobe (auditory areas) Word salad, difficulty in understanding language, comprehension, can't understand speech


What are 4 barriers to problem solving?

irrelevant info, functional fixedness, mental set, unnecessary constraints

List the 7 types of errors in decision making. Explain 3 of them.

The Gambler’s Fallacy 

The Law of Small Numbers 

Overestimating the Improbable 

Underestimating the Probable 

Confirmation Bias 

