What is Digital Blackface? (Day 2020)
“Non-Black folks claiming Black identities online or… non-Black folks using Black people in GIFs or memes to convey their own thoughts or emotions” (Day 2020: n.pag.).
True or false: There is rarely one ideal method/methodology for research. (Braun and Clarke 2020)
Which article for this week uses ethnography?
(Davis and Boellstorff 2016)
Long Covid was explored in the Miyake and Martin (2021) article in how many stages?
What is an active audience? (Briandana and Azmawati 2020)
“Active participants in constructing and interpreting the meaning of what they read, hear, or see according to the cultural context” (Briandana and Azmawati 2020: 60).
What are the three types of thematic analysis methods? (Braun and Clarke 2020)
1. Coding reliability approaches
2. Reflexive approaches
3. Codebook approaches
True or false: The spread of information is not an important theoretical aspect of this week's readings.
False. See: Day 2020; Durrani 2018; Miyake and Martin 2021.
Hashtags allow users to performatively frame what comments are _____. (Durrani 2018)
"Really about"
QCA stands for _____? (Braun and Clarke 2020)
Qualitative content analysis.
In which of the article's for this week was narrative/corpus collection most appropriate?
Durrani (2018).
Understanding messages may be problematic when using this model. (Briandana and Azmawati 2020)
The encoding/decoding model.
Qualitative content analysis, interpretive phenomenological analysis, and grounding theory are examples of? (Braun and Clarke 2020)
Off-the-shelf methodologies.
This term is used to describe GIFs in Day (2020).
Digital replacements.
Describe sentiment analysis. (Miyake and Martin 2021)
[Student's answer]
“...measure the positive, negative, or neutral feelings of users of social media platforms towards communication around a certain topic” (Miyake and Martin 2021: 3).
Is thematic analysis always appropriate for use in linguistic research? Why or why not? (Braun and Clarke 2020)
No; [Student's answer]
What aspects of online capital does digital cultural capital extend? (Davis and Boellstorff 2016)
Digital cultural capital “extends analyses of cultural, subjective, and affective dimensions of online capital” (Davis and Boellstorff 2016: 2108).