Argument Writing
Literary Analysis
Informative/Descriptive Writing

This sentence is at the end of the first paragraph and it clearly answers the prompt with reasons.

What is thesis or thesis statement?


This punctuation mark joins words to make one larger word such as in thirty-nine or father-in-law.

What is a hyphen?

(Note: This is not a dash, which serves a different purpose and is longer.)


True or False: Hamlet ends happily with Hamlet achieving his goals and living happily every after.

What is False?


These descriptions make a reader feel like they are there in the story and are most common in narrative writing but can improve any type.

What are sensory details?


In the first paragraph informative writing should make this very clear.

What is central idea or main idea?


These paragraphs give support for the thesis through explicit evidence quoted and cited in MLA format.

What is body (paragraphs)?


This punctuation mark is placed before listing items but never after a verb.

What is a colon?



This is Hamlet's love interest and sister of Laertes.

Who is Ophelia?


"The food was calling my name" is an example of THIS literary device.

What is personification?


These six questions should be answered in any news article.

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?


Every body paragraph should start with one of these.

What is topic sentence?

(This should align with the thesis from paragraph 1.)


The problem in the sentence below is this:

One of my friends like to cook Italian food.

What is subject-verb agreement?

The number of the subject must match the number of the verb.


This person killed the former and deceased King Hamlet.

Who is Claudius?


Holding up a single palm in red for STOP is an example of one of these. Another example is a red octagon.

What is a symbol?

A news article is considered to be argumentative, informative, or descriptive primarily.

What is informative?


The part of an argumentative essay that shares a different point of view and is never at the end of the essay.

What is counter-argument (and rebuttal)?

Note: Opposing claim is an acceptable synonym.


This punctuation mark can separate items, join two independent clauses, or to avoid comma confusion.

What is a semicolon?

In Hamlet's most famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy, this is the main idea.

What is he is contemplating whether he should live or not?


Drip! or Pow! are examples of this figurative language that refers to sounds.

What is onomatopoeia?


A poem can be considered to be argumentative, descriptive, or informative writing?

What is all 3 or any combination of them?


This is a type of essay that differs from a typical argument because it is in a neutral tone and stresses consensus and compromise.

What is Rogerian argument?


Which one is correct?

A  Their not here yet.

B  They're not here yet.

C  There not here yet.

What is B?

It needs an apostrophe because it is a contraction meaning they+are.


This causes Laertes' death and is ironic because it was his plan B for killing Hamlet in the duel.

What is poison on the end of the sword?


References to Helen of Troy in Hamlet or to any work, place or famous item that everyone knows in order to add meaning.

What is an allusion?


Informative writing is written in objective or subjective point of view, meaning factual and without bias.

What is objective?