Lit. Terms
Famous Authors and Works
Greek & Latin Roots
This is an indirect reference to a literary work, an event, any piece of art, or a historical figure.
What is allusion?
This man who lived in the Elizabethean Age is famous for his tragic and comedic plays.
Who is William Shakespeare?
The type of sentence stucture of this sentence: The tired child was tired, so his mother put him to bed.
What is compound sentence?
This is an example of a poetic device: Her cheeks are like red apples.
What is a simile?
Something that is poisonous may contain this root.
What is tox?
This gives an indication or warning of what is to come so that the reader can anticipate the mood or action.
What is foreshadowing?
This modern novel's protagonist was named after a Greek god which was fitting because most of the main characters were also from Greek mythology.
What is The Lightning Thief?
The type of conjuction that joins the two clauses below: I will buy a new car when I win the lottery.
What is a subordinating conjunction?
The type of poem William Shakespeare is famous for.
What is a sonnet?
This root may be depicted by a foot.
What is ped?
This refers to how a person, situation, statement, or circumstance is not as it would actually seem. Many times it is the exact opposite of what it appears to be.
What is irony?
The novel where you would find this quote," Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold."
What is The Outsiders?
The parts of speech that can function as a subject, direct object, indirect object, or the object of a prepostion.
What are nouns and pronouns?
This is an example of a poetic device: The whispering willows swayed in the wet rain.
What is alliteration?
A word that means doing something together at the same time would contaim these two roots.
What are syn and chron? (synchronize)
This is a character’s emotions, desires, or needs that prompt action.
What is motive?
This author known for his gothic style in short stories and poetry is also famous for being the father of the mystery story.
Who is Edgar Allan Poe?
This sentence is missing a vital piece of punctuation: "I'd love to go to the circus" shouted the little girl.
What is a comma? (...circus," shouted)
The poem that contains this famous line: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.
What is The Raven?
A word that means to carry something out of a country would contain this root.
What is port? (export)
This is a statement that may seem contradictory and absurd but is often true. (EX. less is more)
What is paradox?
This 20th century science fiction writer wrote classics entitled Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles.
Who is Ray Bradbury?
This function in a sentence answers the question "What?" after an action verb.
What is a direct object?
The voice through which a poem is told.
What is a speaker?
A disease that spreads through all people in the world would contain these two roots.
What are pan and dem? (pandemic)