Elements of Fiction
Elements of a Short Story
Elements of Non-Fiction
Reading Skills/Literary Analysis
What is a common noun?
a person, place, or thing.
What type of conflict is described in the following sentence, and why? "Marpiyawin needs food and shelter, but she is lost."
external conflict because the struggle is an outside force such as being lost and not having shelter.
Define setting, and WHY it is important to the story?
The setting is the "time" and "place" in which the story takes place. It is IMPORTANT because it drives the action or conflict of the story. ex: Toklat Ridge, a massive spine of rock and ice (challenged the wounded wolf to survive)
What does nonfiction writing tell about? (need 4 things)
It tells about real 1) people 2) places 3) objects 4) events
Define "character traits"
Character traits describe a character's feelings, actions, and words.
Define a "proper noun"?
It is a specific person, place, or thing, and is ALWAYS capitalized
Define what "internal conflict" is, and give an example of an internal conflict, preferably from something we read.
Internal conflict is when you battle with a decision with yourself. Examples will vary
In the following sentence, from the Wounded Wolf..."He jumped between the beast and Kiglo, leader of the Toklat pack." What does this action tell you about Roko?
It describes Roko's character traits as being brave, protective, and loyal.
There are many forms of nonfiction, name any 4
Answers vary: persuasive essay, narrative essay, expository essay, reflective essay, biography, autobiography, manual, letter, advertisement, informational text
What 3 things do "good readers" base their inferences on?
Evidence from the text, prior knowledge, and logical guesses.
What does every sentence have to have?
A subject and a verb.
How did the snow increase the conflict in the story "The Wounded Wolf"?
The character had to struggle further against bad weather.
What element of a short story is this statement an example of: They were ashamed because they had treated the old man so meanly, and from that day forward they changed and let the old man eat with them at the table.
Theme: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Define "author's purpose" in nonfiction text.
It is the main reason for writing a text; inform, persuade, entertain, or express feelings.
Name 3 pronouns are used to indicate "first person" point of view?
I, my, me, our, we,
What is a "pronoun", and name 4 words that are pronouns.
Pronouns take the place of nouns. He, she, it, her, him, his, I
The phrase, "sometimes the weak can help the strong" is an example of what element of fiction?
Theme ( the overall central message in a story)
What short story element is the following an example of: A frigid blast picks up long shawls of snow and drapes them between young Roko and his pack, and so his message is not read.
Conflict because the loud winds make it impossible for Roko to get help from his pack.
What is meant by an "Author's Point of View"?
It is the writer's values, and beliefs about the subject.
What part of the story introduces the characters and the setting? (clue: it's part of the plot)
the exposition
What is an "adjective"?
An adjective describes a noun, it tells what kind, how many.
We learned about characterization. If the author reveals a character through that character's words and actions, or through the words and actions of others, is this "direct" or "indirect" characterization?
In the Wounded Wolf, the main conflict is between Roko and death. What lesson does this conflict teach?
Roko's determination enables him to survive, therefore teaching the lesson (theme) that ONE SHOULD NEVER GIVE UP!
A key idea is the central idea the writer wishes to tell to the reader. In a biography about Helen Keller, what might the "key idea" be?
Helen Keller overcame enormous obstacles and odds because of her handicaps.
List the 5 elements of "plot"
Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution