  1. Syntactic expansion consists of expanding old forms and learning new forms 

  2. Noun and verb phrases become elaborated

  3. Plurals become mastered

  4. -er, -y, and –ly understanding improve

syntactic expansion


5-6 yo produce mostly anecdotal _____

Usually with long and rambling sequential accounts without causal relations 

Very little regarding motivations 

Use of beginning and ending markers increased with age

Young Children's narratives 


The hypothetical internal cognitive symbol that represents an external reality

Cognitive representation


______ should always be considered, even when not directly intervening in that area

  1. SLPs should consider:
    Incorporate speed element into language goals
    semantic mapping
    identification tasks  
    auditory discrimination

Adjusting language goals to address fluency


Sound by sound 


sight word reading

Ways to read a word

  1. Noun and verb phrases become more elaborated 

  2. Verb phrases present more difficulty than noun phrases
    Due to:
    - rules       &      - irregularities

  3. Passive sentences are extremely difficult 

Noun VS Verb phrases


Story tellers experience

Narratives reflect


how words are stored in our minds in relation to each other.

Lexical storage


____________________ has been shown to benefit both fluency & comprehension for those with reading deficits  

______________ reading that have been re read over weeks to "help comprehension"

- schools do this 

Audio assisted Reading vs Repeated Reading

  1. Phonemic awareness helps children understand the __________

  2. __________ and the ___________ are foundational to learning to read

    1. Words are composed of letters that represent sounds  

    2. These sounds can be combined to form words

Alphabetic principle 


Turn taking 

Topic generation (text-related)

Answering questions

Penalty introduced

Classroom as a new context


Word Reading : the word recognition process that transforms print into words

Comprehension : The dynamic process of construction coherent representations and inferences at multiple levels of text and context within the bottleneck of a limited capacity working memory

Processes of Reading 

how we teach a word when we need it


  2. Ex. apple, plum, cherry, grape, banana, orange

Lexical access (retrieval)


______________is the ultimate goal of all speech-language treatment.

- Research has demonstrated time and again that:

-- Those who decode well tend to comprehend well

--Those who read frequently comprehend well

Evidence-based strategies include:

  1. Question answering

  2. Prediction

  3. Monitoring

  4. Graphic organizers

  5. Summarization

Treatment of Comprehension


_______ is key to developing alphabetic principle and alphabetic knowledge. 

  1. instruction must be systematic. 

  2. Primary focus should be on patterns and rules

Spelling activities 

Phonics instruction 


Language improves as we age. 

  • As a child gains greater competence in form and content they become more focused on language in narratives and conversations

  • Language flexibility is a sign of maturation  

  • (last slide in 1st Pp)

Language Maturation


_________ focuses on semantics of vocabulary (words, meanings, links)

- Deficits?

________ uses syntax, phonology, morphology 

- Deficits? 

_______ uses pragmatics 

- Deficits?

1. Content 

- impoverished vocabs

2. form 

- deficits in grammar, which is hallmark for DLD

3. use 

- difficulties with turn taking 


The memory capacity is _____________ & ___________, therefore the information must be processed efficiently

Fixed and Finite 


___________ is a shared code or conventional system for representing concepts through the use of arbitrary symbols and rule governed combinations of symbols.

How language represents concepts

  1. Phonological representation

  2. Orthographic representation

  3. Visual images

  4. Semantic associations

  5. Syntactical properties

Organization of stimuli 


As a child ______ greater competence in form and content they become more focused on language in narratives and conversations

Gains in form and content 


______________ is the ability to predict other people’s behavior and other people’s mental states. These abilities become robust at age of ____ - _____. 

These representations are difficult for children with autism

1. theory of mind 

2. 4-5

3. 2nd order representations

  1. Difficult to assess

  2. Due to difficulty in assessment, error analysis is key

Dr. Carter’s Plea: Understand the ________.  As a result, your assessment must be dynamic and precise so that you are actually treating what the child’s difficulties instead of some generic overarching concept known as “comprehension” which in essence, we are ALWAYS treating.

Multi-faceted Nature Of Comprehension


Language is not reliant on speech due to written language and sign language.

The relationship between meaning and symbols is arbitrary but the arrangement of the symbols is not.
- Language is highly organized. 

Language represents speech through morphology, phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

Relationship b/w language and speech


To improve _______ focus on: rapid phonemic awareness skills, rapid sound-symbol sorrespondence, improving phonological decoding, semantic development (vocabulary)

Frequently make the above tasks  contextual (IE use text) for older kids

SLPs should be very intentional about the stimuli (vocabulary) which they utilize for language goals

Fluency instruction