Language Development
Language and Literacy Environment
Setting the Stage for Positive Behavior
Using Positive Guidance as a Teaching Strategy
Stopping Bullying Behaviors Among Preschoolers

 Facial expressions or crying

What are the beginning stages of language development?


Research has found that doing this at least one time a day can expose a child to nearly 300,000 words from birth to age 5.

What is reading a book?


Following ratios, maintaining appropriate expectations, help children cope with feelings are all strategies of .....

What is setting the stage for positive behavior?


 This will teach the infant that she is important and valued- because you communicate these feelings to her.

What is relationship-based care?


the continual and damaging actions of one child against another that are not provoked by the target.

What is bullying?


share and exchange of ideas and feelings with others.

What is communication?


Teachers that do this are constantly talking about what they are doing and providing the actual items so that children can put meaning to the words. 

What is a language-rich classroom? 


When small amounts of children are with one caregiver and they are able to provide a caring and nurturing environment. This is ..........

What is a positive environment?


This tell toddlers what they can explore, where they can go, and what they can do. They give toddlers opportunities to begin developing self-regulation.

What is limits?


This occurs most frequently in social play, with peers as the targets.

What is bullying behaviors?


This helps children make sense of the language they hear.  

What is Thinking skills?


The most appropriate way to foster this use of new language is through this.

What is pretending?


Very young infants are provided a small space for individualized tummy time while mobile infants are able to explore other areas of the room.

What are separate play areas for the developmental ages of the classroom?


This can help toddlers gain self-esteem and come to understand positive behavior.

What are opportunities to experience success?


 This is used to achieve a goal, such as getting to be first in line or the only one to use a particular toy.

What is Instrumental aggression 


This supports social-emotional development.

What are Language and literacy skills?


This affects how children learn and relate to one another.

What is the classroom's physical and social structure?


any repeated pattern of behavior, or perception of behavior, that interferes with or is at risk of interfering with optimal learning or engagement in pro-social interactions with peers and adults.

What is challenging behaviors?


An important skill that preschoolers are working on and need assistance from the teacher is to walk through the feelings and thoughts of others.

What is teaching the point of view of others?


This involves repeated, hurtful exclusions of one child by others. 

What is Relational aggression?


Each set of skills depends and builds on the other. Thus, language skills support both reading and writing: reading leads to larger vocabularies, and writing allows children to understand connections between spoken and written words.

What is developing skills in tandem?


Questions that are asked in a way that allows children to respond in multiple ways rather than simply answering yes/no or nodding their heads.

What are open-ended questions?


predictors of delinquency, drug abuse, and antisocial behavior in adults

What are challenging behaviors in preschool?


You can help them practice this skill by letting go of rules and guidelines that are not needed and offering opportunities.

What is providing choices?


This includes hitting, pinching, kicking, and pushing. 

What is Physical aggression?