Language is used to maintain social bonds, persuasive and argumentative skills reach near-adult levels. Answer age and linguistic context
15-18 Years of Age, Pragmatic Development
What kind of setting was Social Thinking made for?
Group Intervention
Create “prompt cards” with a number of different literate syntactic forms, Student then must use forms on prompt cards in an impromptu speech or essay
Prompted speech/essay activities
Which of the five skills of executive functioning is this an example of:
Tom focuses on what his teacher is saying in class because he is working on __________
paying attention
A goal of intervention for metalinguistics and metacognition is to provide students processes for planning, executing, and _______ writing.
Syntax used in writing is much more complex than used in speech
Use of perfect tense increases
12-14 Years of Age, Syntax Development
A working list of an individual’s interests and information about their life. Able to review before interacting with a certain person.
Friend Files or People Files
After selecting a complex sentence from their school textbook, what should the student do next?
The student rewords those sentences using several different advanced literate syntactic forms.
Which of the five skills of executive functioning is this an example of:
Sophia asks her mom to buy her a planner so she can write down her thoughts and responsibilities for the week. Sophie is working on _______.
Organizing and planning
A goal of intervention for metalinguistics and metacognition is to provide students processes for supporting their own _____- especially when reading.
Morphophonological rule knowledge fully developed, Morphonological ends are pronounced differently depending on the words it’s attached to
15-18 Years of Age, Phonology/ Metalinguistic Development
A visual mapping process about behaviors that others expect or don’t expect in a specific situation and the result of those behaviors
Social Behavior Mapping
What kind of skills do paraphrasing activities increase?
Awareness and Flexibility
Which of the five skills of executive functioning is this an example of:
Scott goes to his school's soccer coach and asks if he can try out for the team. He goes to tryouts and pays attention to all of the warmups. Scott is working on ________.
Initiating tasks and staying focused
________ is a metalinguistic skill that is a better predictor for academic success than IQ and can be taught directly.
Executive functioning
Modal auxiliary use increases (e.g., may, must, should), Full syntactic range reached
15-18 Years of Age, Syntax Development
Activity to teach students to extend conversations by expanding on them
Give your example of a Sentence Manipulation activity!
Our example: Have the student physically move the cards to combine the cards into various literate syntactic sentences
Which of the five skills of executive functioning is this an example of:
Grace is picked on at lunch for bringing a tuna sandwich. Instead of crying, Grace tells everyone to try it and they realize it's good. Grace did a good job of ______.
regulating her emotions
Meta-skills are best taught through a ______ approach.
The average 15-18 year old high school student has a vocabulary of about how many words?
In what order should the child go through to think about social behavior and consequences?
1. A situation
2. The options for behavior in that situation
3. The consequences of each option
4. The best choice,
5. Strategies for making that choice, and
Give your own definition of a sentence combining activity!
Which of the five skills of executive functioning is this an example of:
While Emma is doing her math homework, she checks off each question she gets right and puts a question mark to each question she doesn't know. Emma is practicing ______.
self monitoring
Intervention for Metalinguistics and Metacognition focuses heavily on _____ texts because high schoolers often read and write a lot of research papers.