Point of View
He was a real Romeo with the ladies.
What is a ladies' man/smooth?
A man who is a traffic cop gets his license suspended for unpaid parking tickets.
What is situational irony?
What is suspense?
What is having strong anticipation of what will happen?
Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his book bag on the floor and plopped on the couch. After six hours of playing Call of Duty, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice in on his belly and his feet on his book bag. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught. He balled up his report card and placed it inside of a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down and relocated garbage from other parts of the can, arranging over the soup can. He then plopped down on the couch and picked up his controller. It says Kyle is distraught. What can we infer caused this?
What is Kyle got a bad grade/played too much and didn't study?
To rub someone the wrong way
What is to annoy or bother?
Chocolate was her Achilles' heel.
What is her weakness?
As an audience member, you realize that if a character walks into an abandoned warehouse, chances are a killer is waiting... but because you are a member of the audience you cannot disclose the information to the character.
What is dramatic irony?
Dramatic irony can help develop suspense by...
What is letting you know something that a character doesn't.
Anastasia sat by the fountain in the park with her head in her palms. She was weeping mournfully and wearing all black. In between gasps and sobs, Anastasia cried out a name: “Oh... John…” And then her cell phone beeped. Her hand ran into her purse and her heart fluttered. The text message was from John. She opened up the message and read the few bare words, “I need to get my jacket back from you.” Anastasia threw her head into her arms and continued sobbing. Why is Anastasia sad?
What is John isn't interested in her?
If you jump the gun...
What is do something too early?
When Bob figured out the math problem in class, his buddy called him a real Newton.
What is genius?
You study all week long for a spelling test and then, on the day of, misspell your name on the test.
What is situational irony?
How does the author of "The Gift of the Magi" create humor using point of view?
What is we find out at the end of the story that they both sold their items and therefore can't use their gifts?
Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock: 9:48. Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door. What can we infer by Cassie's reaction to the time?
What is she is late to school?
If you are in the spotlight.
What is the center of attention?
I thought the software would be useful, but it was a Trojan Horse.
What is deceptive?
You and your friends pack up the car and drive to the beach. As soon as you get there, it begins storming. You turn to your friend and say, "Well, this is perfect weather."
What is verbal irony?
An omniscient narrator is able to share with the reader...
What is everything (including character's thoughts)?
As the teacher brought the class back from the washroom, he noticed that Alvin and Elijah were nowhere to be seen. He asked the class, "Has anyone seen Alvin or Elijah?" Most of the students confirmed that they had not seen them, except for Rodney, who remained silent while tapping his foot on the floor anxiously. The teacher noticed this. "Rodney, do you happen to know where your best buddies Alvin and Elijah went?" Rodney looked away and said, "Nah, I haven't seen them." The teacher notified the office of the missing students. An announcement was made over the PA system and a few minutes later, Alvin and Elijah returned to class. Both of them were very sweaty and Elijah was carrying a basketball. "Sorry we took so long. We had to use the bathroom," said Elijah. "Yeah," chimed in Alvin, "it took longer than we thought." Which piece of evidence best supports the inference that Elijah and Alvin were lying about where they were? A. Rodney tapped his foot anxiously B. The boys came back very sweaty C. The teacher knew they were best buddies
What is B?
When Jimmy was getting in trouble at school because of his peers, his teacher told him he should march to the beat of a different drummer.
What is live life in a different way/believe in a different set of principles?
The rise in poverty will unlock a Pandora's box of crime.
What is a floodgate?
If we had known that both Della and Jim had sold their items, it would have been this kind of irony.
What is dramatic irony?
If a story is told in limited third-person point of view, the reader will feel like a: A. participant B. relative C. spectator D. friend
What is C?
Tony walked out of the shopping mall with his arms full of bags and the sun shining on him. As he approached his car, he started awkwardly feeling around his pockets with his arm full of bags. He did not find what he was looking for so he transferred the bags on one arm to the other arm, which already had bags. Tony had a lot of bags on one arm. He still couldn't find what he was looking for. Now he dropped the bags and plunged both hands desperately into all of the pockets on his jeans. With a look of despair, Tony ran to his car. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. Then he saw something on the passenger seat of the car. He stopped looking and pulled his phone out of his pocket. What can we infer Tony sees in the car?
What is his keys?
Take what he says with a grain of salt.
What is don't always believe him?