Context Clues
Social Skills
Problem Solving

The mouse scurried across the room. What does scurried mean?

rushed in a hurry; ran quickly


The ground is wet and there are clouds in the sky. What can you infer?

It has been raining. 


Your friend is ignoring you when you tried to talk to them. What should you do? 

Walk away and try to talk to another friend. 


How do you brush your teeth? Tell at least 4 steps. 

Get toothpaste and toothbrush. Put toothpaste on toothbrush. Rub toothbrush across the surface of your teeth, inside and outside. Spit out the excess and rinse your mouth. 


There are clothes piled on top of the laundry basket and are spilling onto the floor. What should you do? 

You should wash and dry the clothes. 


My mom quickly stepped on the brake in order to avoid hitting the squirrel in the road. What does avoid mean? 

keep from doing; stay away from


You see a friend sitting alone at lunch not looking at anyone. What can you infer? 

Your friend feels lonely, upset, or sad.


Your friend is sitting alone at lunch. What should you do? 

Offer to sit next to your friend and eat lunch together. 


How do you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Tell at least 4 steps. 

Get two pieces of bread, peanut butter, jelly, and a knife. Use the knife to spread peanut butter on one piece of bread. Use the knife to spread jelly on the other piece of bread. Put the two pieces of bread together and eat. 


You have a toothache and it hurts to chew your food. What should you do? 

You should go to the dentist.


My friend and I rode our bikes down the street past the abandoned house that looked haunted. What does abandoned mean?

not lived in; empty; left alone


Your neighbor asked you to feed and take care of her cat while she is away for the week. What can you infer?

Your neighbor is going on vacation. 


You realized that you forgot your friend's birthday. What should you do? 

Tell your friend that you are sorry you missed their birthday and offer to celebrate at another time. 


How do you give a dog a bath? Tell at least 4 steps.

Get shampoo and a towel. Fill up a tub with water. Put your dog into the water and get him wet. Pour shampoo onto your dog's fur and rub it to create a lather. Rinse your dog with water. Dry your dog with a towel. 


You fell off of your bike and scraped your knees and elbows. What should you do? 

You should tell your mom and let her help you. 


When I bumped into the table, my mom's fragile vase fell to the floor and broke into many pieces. What does fragile mean? 

breakable; delicate


The girl stepped into the lake and suddenly began to grab her shoulders and run out of the water. What can you infer? 

The water was cold.


You are having trouble completing a difficult assignment and are feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. What should you do? 

Take a break; ask for help; take deep breaths; count to 10

How do you wash your laundry? Tell at least 4 steps.

Sort your dirty laundry into groups by color. Turn the setting knobs on the washer to the correct temperature, water level, and wash cycle. Add laundry detergent to the washer. Put clothes into the washer and close the lid. Turn on the washer. 


You are working on an assignment in class and your pencil breaks. What should you do? 

You should ask the teacher for another pencil, or you should ask the teacher if you may sharpen your pencil. 


The man tried to give the clerk counterfeit money to pay for his groceries. What does counterfeit mean?

fake; not real; imitation; imposter


The man heard a thumping noise coming from his car engine. What can you infer? 

There may be a problem with his car and he needs to take it to the repair shop. 


Your friend at school asked you to share your answers on the test. What should you do? 

You should tell your friend that you will not share your answers with him and let your teacher know about the situation. 


How do you check out a book at the library? Tell at least 4 steps. 

Select a book to check out. Take the book to the Librarian at the counter. The librarian will scan the book and your library card. Read the book. Return the book before the due date.  

You are walking to your dad's office in downtown Dallas and need to cross a busy street to get to his building. What should you do when you reach the corner? 

You should push the button for the crosswalk signal and wait for it to indicate when it is safe to walk across the street.