
What word means the same as cold? 

A. Freezing, B. Quick, C. Hot



What means the same as speak? 

A. Drive, B. Talk, C. Drink

B. Talk


You and your friend are on a bike ride and the sky turns grey and you hear thunder. Your friend looks back at you with a disappointed look on his face. Why is his face sad?

Because you have to go back home because it's about to rain.

I checked to make sure he had all of his things. I had my apron, my ingredients, and my tools. I was ready for the day. Who am I?

A cook/chef


What means the same as happy?

A.Exhausted B.Rapid C. Glad

C. Glad 


What means the same as big? 

A. Happy  B. Round C. Huge

C. Huge


You and your friend were babysitting a bunch of babies while their moms were in a class. The babies were all happy, crawling around, and playing with toys. Your friend all the sudden looked at you and pinched her nose. Then you smelled something stinky too. Where do you think the smell came from?

The baby's diaper needed to be changed. 


I have feathers. I also have wings, but I don’t fly. I love to swim in icy water. Who am I?

A Penguin


What means the same as small?

A. Absent, B. Tiny C. Gross

B. Tiny


What means the same as sad? 

A. unhappy, B. mean, C. Shiny

A. unhappy


You worked for your dad all day shredding papers in his office. When you got home and went to wash your hands for dinner, you noticed two small cuts on your fingers that weren’t there before. How do you think you got those cuts?

From the papers 

Mom made sandwiches and put them into the basket, along with some fruit and chips. Dad grabbed the big checkered blanket and Robby got the Frisbee. Then the whole family piled into the car and headed out. Where was the family going? What makes you think so?

A picnic- How do you know? 


What means the same as fast?

A. Speedy, B. Slow, C. Unhappy

A. Speedy


What means the same as noisy?

A. Quiet, B. Pretty,  C. Loud

C. Loud


A boy was riding his bike home from school and he rode past a bunch of broken glass on the concrete. The next day he went to ride his bike and the tires were both flat. Why do you think they were flat?

His tires got popped from the broken glass from the car crash. 


Jenna was lying outside in the sun. She knew she should put some sun block on, but the sun felt so good on her back that she did not want to move. She told herself that she would get the sun block in five minutes. Within three minutes, Jenna had fallen asleep. What will happen next? What makes you think so?

She will get a sunburn


What means the same as laugh? 

A. Spin B. Giggle, C. Bright

B. Giggle


What means the same as smart? 

A. Intelligent, B. Windy, C. Healthy

A. Intelligent


Your sister was gone for three days on a snowboarding trip. You missed her so bad. You woke up and saw her sitting on the couch. Her leg was propped up and had a big pink cast on it. What do you think happened?

She broke/hurt her leg skiing. 


Jake and Tim sat quietly next to each other, each thinking his own thoughts. Suddenly, the pole Jake was holding loosely in his hands jerked so hard, he nearly dropped it. "You got one!" exclaimed Tim excitedly. "Reel him in slowly." What did Jake have? How do you know?

A fishing pole