IEP Terms
Job Interviews
Life Skills

Why is turning 18 an important step for a student with an IEP?

You sign all of your own IEP documents and are completely in charge of attending meetings and deciding what services you need or don't need. Your parent no longer decide these things for you. 


Respond to this job interview question: 

"What are your strengths?"

Any response that accurately demonstrates self-reflection of a student's strengths (examples: hard worker, fast learner, eager to work, gets along with others, etc)


What language is spoken predominantly in Central America?



Darkness fell upon the earth. A heavy cloud of slumber passed over the village.

What is happening?


What are 3 things you need to do to buy a car?

Figure out your budget, save up a down payment, visit a dealership, pick out a car, get a good interest rate on a loan, get a title for the car, make your payments on time.


What does 'IEP' stand for?

Individual Education Plan


Respond to this interview question: 

"What are your weaknesses?"

Any response that identifies areas of weakness related to job skills. (examples: need to see something several times before learning it, difficulty communicating, never done this job before, transportation, etc)


Pizza, spaghetti, ravioli, and tortellini all originate from which country?



"It was many and many a year ago

In this kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know

By the name of Annabelle Lee.

And this maiden she lived with no other thought

than to love, and be loved by me". 

What is the relationship between the author and Annabelle Lee?

They are in love.


Why is getting a high school diploma important?

Statistically, people with a high school diploma earn more money over the course of their lifetime than people who do not have a diploma. This is because most companies who offer stable work with good benefits require a high school diploma at a minimum to work there. While you can find work without a diploma, the work is often unreliable and short-term and may not include benefits (waiting tables, doing construction, etc)


What is a test waiver?

A test waiver is a piece of paper saying you do not have to pass the FSA to graduate. There are 3 requirements to getting a test waiver: You need to have an IEP, you need to have passed the class that the test is designed to measure, and you need to have taken the FSA at least once and gotten a score of 1 or 2.

Respond to this interview question:

"Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with another person (co-worker or classmate) and were able to resolve it"

Any response that correctly demonstrates the following 2 components: clearly describes what the conflict was and showed that the student took positive action to make things right)


In addition to local tribal languages, many people in Africa also speak which major European language? 

(You get ONE guess)


The French colonized Africa from the 17th-18th centuries and French became widely spoken across the continent. Today, there are 29 countries in Africa that speak French. It is estimated that soon, 80% of French speakers in the world will be in Africa. 


"By now, all the others who had fought at Troy—
At least those who had survived the war and the sea,
Were safely back home. Only Odysseus
Still longed to return to his home and his wife.
The nymph Calypso, a powerful goddess—
And beautiful—was clinging to him
In her caverns and yearned to possess him"

Where was Odysseus? What happened to the other guys?

Odysseus was captured by Calypso, who is making him stay with her in a cavern. The others were either killed in battle, died at sea, or have returned home. 


When a job advertises "great benefits", what are some of the benefits they are referring to?

Health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, savings for retirement, sick time, paid vacation days, etc


Name 2 special services or accommodations that a student may be able to get if they have an IEP. 

Any of these responses are correct: testing accommodations, extended time, extra help, extra teacher in classroom, speech/language therapy, test waiver


You have worked at your job for one year and are making $9/hr. You feel like you should get a raise to $10/hr. How would you approach your boss and ask for a raise? You must demonstrate a polite & respectful tone and include at least 2 reasons why you feel like you deserve a raise. 

Possible answers: hard worker, always on time, leader in the group, learns quickly, working to advance in the company, friendly to customers, self-starter, take initiative, works fast, does the job right, quality work, cares about customers/work/co-workers, etc.


There are currently 5 major world religions. Name 3 of them. 

Christianity, Islam, Juddaism, Hinduism, Buddhism.


From Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: 

"The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us"

What did they do here?

What was the great task remaining before them?

They fought a battle.

Building a country /establishing peace / creating a democracy / developing a country based on freedom, etc


From a financial planning perspective, what is one of the best purchases you can make in your lifetime if you hope to retire someday?

Buying a home. 

Buying your home means that someday, you will have paid off the debt and you will no longer have any house payment (for example, you pay $1,000/month for 30 years and then no longer have to pay. When you are old, your bills are low).

If you choose not to buy a home, you will pay rent FOREVER. This means when you are old, your bills may be higher because you will still be paying rent to someone else. If you want to retire, you may not be able to afford $1,000/month and may have to move in with family members. 


What does it mean to self-advocate?

Self-advocating means speaking up for the things you need to be successful. For example, if you need more time on tests than the rest of your class, you need to make sure "extended time" is on your IEP. If you need more help in math, speak up and ask for the help. 


Name at least 3 traits that employers look for when hiring a new employee.

On time, fast learner, hard worker, polite, respectful, friendly, willing to learn, learns from mistakes, takes job seriously, does thorough work, takes pride in work.

In English, many of our words have roots in other languages. From which language have we borrowed these common English words?

Brunette, Champagne, Cliche, Debris, Paper mache



"Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices: secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors.  These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong." - George W. Bush

What historical event is this person referring to?

The September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon


What is a resume and why is it important?

A resume is a document that lists what skills and experiences you have. You send your resume to  potential employers who are considering you for a job. Having a well-written resume can help you get the job you want. It is important to get help from a friend, family member, or career specialist when making your resume. Microsoft Word also has templates that you can use.