Conversation Skills
Indirect Language

Harry: Did you see the new Spiderman movie?

Larry: Yeah! It was so cool!

Jerry: My cousin got a new dog last weekend.

What did Jerry forget to do?

Stay on topic


A fancy word for a smart guess. 



Stephen and Rico were studying together. Stephen turned on some music. "That's really loud," Rico said. What was Rico really asking?

Can you turn the music down?


What is empathy?

Taking someone else's perspective, and showing them that you understand. 


Big: Gigantic


Small: _________

Tiny, little, miniscule


Jerry joins the soccer team and meets another boy named Gary. How could Jerry start a conversation with Gary to get to know him?

- How long have you been playing soccer?

- Do you have a favorite professional soccer team?

- You did a great job at practice today!


Matilda is wearing running clothes. She is smiling and hugging her family, and she is wearing a gold medal. What can we infer?

She just won a race. 

Kyle was cleaning his room while his brother watched YouTube on his bed. "This siure is hard work," Kyle said. What did he want his brother to do?

Help him clean.


Your friend's grandpa just passed away. What could you do or say to show empathy?

Say, "That must be tough. I'm so sorry for your loss. How are you doing?"


Big: small


generous: ________

Selfish, greedy


Jerry's friend Mary told him, "I went camping with my family last weekend."

What are two things Jerry could say to keep the conversation going?

- I love camping!

- Where did you go?

- What did you do there?

- How was it?


Mark woke up excited for a day at the beach with his family. But as soon as he looked out the window, he realized that they probably wouldn't be going that day. "I guess I'll make some hot chocolate instead," he said. What was happening?

The weather was bad/It was raining.


Stephen and Rico were playing basketball. Stephen bumbed into Rico, and Rico started to cry. "You sure are a tough guy," said Stephen, and he rolled his eyes. What did Stephen really mean?

He was being a baby. 


Your friend just got a new phone and he's really excited about it. What can you do to show empathy?

Be excited for him. Ask him about the phone and let him show it to you.

Hedgehog: Animal


Sweatshirt: __________



At lunch, Jerry is sharing all about a new update for his favorite video game. What are two clues he should check for to see if his friends are still interested and want to hear more?

- facial expression

- body language

- are they asking questions or making comments?


George's sister went to the pet store to buy a dog. When she came back, George was surprised. "Well, at least we won't worry about mice anymore," he said. What kind of pet did his sister bring back?

A cat. 


Mom carried the groceries in from the car while Bob played basketball. "Boy, these bags are heavy," she said. What was Mom really asking?

Can you help me?


Your mom is really tired when she comes home from work. What can you do to show her empathy?

Help out with chores, clean up after yourself, do a quiet activity so she can rest. 


Fruit: Apple


Bird: _________

Any type of bird (owl, flamingo, canary, penguin...)

Jerry, Larry and Harry are talking about old cars. Jerry notices that Larry is talking a lot, but Harry isn't saying anything. Why do you think that is, and what could Jerry do?

He might be upset, or not interested. Jerry could shift the topic to something Harry is interested in.


Fiona put sunglasses and sunscreen into her bag. She added a towel and a bottle of water. Then she put on sandals. Where was she going?

To the beach


It rained on the day of the marathon, and Katie was really disappointed. "Great weather we're having," she said. What did she mean?

She was being sarcastic; the weather was not good. 


A classmate is really interested in an old TV show that you know nothing about. He loves to talk about it. What can you do to show empathy?

Ask questions about his interests; listen and let him share. 


Fork : Spoon


Shoes : _______
