An assessment that provides a list of developmental steps according to typical ages achieved is called this.
What is a criterion referenced assessment.
Typical children say their first meaningful word at about this age.
What is one year old.
Defined by a child's IQ and used for the purposes of proving deviance in scores is called this.
What is mental age?
The average 2 year old with DLD has a vocabulary size approximate to this number.
What is <20 words.
Preschool children who get identified with academic difficulties in elementary school are most often labeled as having this disorder.
What is Specific Learning Disability or Specific Learning Impairment?
The first goal of a language assessment is this.
What is to identify communication patterns?
The ability of typically developing children to rapidly learn new and novel words is called this.
What is fast mapping?
Children with DLD may have trouble with this task that makes up unique language to label items.
What is the Non Word repetition task?
Young children with DLD may exhibit these problems with language related to memory.
What are word finding (retrieval) issues.
Most children with phonological disorders as Preschoolers will have trouble with this area of reading.
What is decoding words.
In addition to identifying a school age child with a language disorder an assessment must also do this.
What is qualify them for special education services?
The pragmatic skill of topic maintenance typically develops by this age.
What is 4 year old?
During the gathering of family history birth order for a child and maternal education level may be considered as one of these.
What are risk factors?
Children who have trouble with this common articulation issue may also have DLD.
What are Phonological issues.
Fang, Schleppegrell, & Morre, 2014 describe the three tiers of literacy as these.
What is functional literacy, content literacy, and disciplinary literacy.
In addition to gathering information from teachers and parents a school age clinician should complete these in as many environments as possible.
What are observations of the child in different settings?
Suzy is a typical 2 year old child. Suzy says "Mommy goed sleep." This is the number of morphemes in Suzy's sentence.
What is 4?
This percentage of the population is generally thought to be children with DLD.
What is 7%.
These family circumstances may be considered a risk factor for a child developing DLD.
What are socioeconomic status, parental level of education, or family history of learning issues.
These are the 3 purposes of assessment in school age students with language issues.
What are identifying the student as being impaired, determining eligibility for service, team IEP development.
A standardized test should have high reliability and validity and the measure of it's diagnostic accuracy or correlational factor should equal at least this number to be considered for use.
What is .80?
Chall (1996) discusses 5 stages of literacy development in children. Those literacy stages are
What is decoding, fluency, reading to learn, reading multiple viewpoints, and construction and reconstruction?
This term indicates a deviance in the usual rate or sequence specific language skills emerge.
What is a disorder?
Children with DLD may show difficulty when asked to talk about events or to tell a story about something they have seen or heard. This type of language skill is called this.
What is a narrative skill.
Before a SLP determines what test to use they should take these steps to decide what the best instrument would be.
What is interview family, teachers, and others
Observe the student and look for patterns
Have a conversation with the student.