Bilingual Education Models
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People and Their Theories
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Landmark Court Rulings and Laws
English language learners receive a portion of their content instruction in their primary language for 2-3 years and then are integrated into all-English instruction.
What is Early Exit or Transitional Bilingual Education?
One perspective on language that "takes it as the primary dimension of human cooperative action" is language as _______.
What is action?
Lev Vygotsky's social theory of learning includes this concept, which states that for any kind of learning, the learner has a certain zone in which the next learning can take place.
What is the Zone of Proximal Development?
Linguist Noam Chomsky asserts that a speaker's ___________ is what a speaker can do under the best conditions. He makes an important distinction in his study of language between performance and this.
What is competence?
This Supreme Court decision, in 1954, unanimously reversed the Plessy v Ferguson "separate but equal" decision.
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
English language learners are given 2-3 years ESL content support services and then integrated into all English instruction.
What is ESL Pullout or Push-in Content Instruction?
English immersion is __________, as students' first languages are not acknowledged or developed.
What is subtractive?
There are five hypotheses in this model, in which input plays a key role.
What is Krashen's Monitor Model?
A __________ is a particular form of a language that includes choices of syntax, vocabulary, or pronunciation. We use different ones in different settings with different people.
What is a register?
This 1974 Supreme Court case resulted in perhaps the most important court decision regarding the education for ELLs, arguing that "there is no equality of treatment merely by providing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers, and curriculum."
What is Lau v. Nichols?
English language learners and native speakers of English learn language through content in both English and the first language of the English learners.
What is Bilingual Dual-Language Education (One-way and Two-way)?
Using the term _________ ___________ instead of 'English language learners' gives a more holistic view of the students.
What is emergent bilinguals?
This model claims that acquiring a second language is part of a general process and depends on the social and psychological distance between the learner group and the target language group.
What is Schumann's Acculturation Model?
_______ _________ requires competence in two languages, and people do this for a variety of reasons (e.g. some concepts are better expressed in one language than the other).
What is code switching?
The essence of Lau v. Nichols was codified into federal law with the passage of this Act in 1974, soon after the case was decided.
What is the Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA)?
English language learners receive content instruction in both L1 and L2 for 4-6 years.
What are Late Exit or Maintenance Programs?
A type of mediation, _________ supports students to move beyond what they could achieve alone, by working in a learner's zone of proximal development. There can be many different types, such as verbal, visual, or student grouping.
What is scaffolding?
This linguist developed a model of second language acquisition that includes both input and output.
Who is Leo Van Lier?
In the modern world, _____________, not bilingualism, should be considered a problem.
What is monolingualism?
This amendment, ratified in 1868, is the basis for many important court decisions providing equitable educational opportunities to ELLs and other minority students, based on the amendment's due process and equal protection clauses.
What is the 14th Amendment?
Native English speakers are taught language through content instruction in a second language. English is introduced in second grade or later.
What is Enriched Immersion? (i.e. French Immersion in Quebec)
The concept ________ ___ ___________ is based on a simple premise: people are competent and have knowledge, and their life experiences have given them that knowledge.
What is funds of knowledge?
Developed by Merrill Swain, the __________ ________ hypothesis states that learning takes place when a learner encounters a gap in his or her linguistic knowledge of the second language (L2).
What is Comprehensible Output?
Language can serve three functions: (1) speakers use to get and give basic information; (2) speakers use to show their attitude toward what they are saying; and (3) speakers use to mark their social identity.
What are the (1) referential, (2) expressive, and (3) integrative functions?
This Supreme Court ruling, in 1923, established a basis for the right of communities to teach their native languages to their children and made it clear that the 14th Amendment provides protection for language minorities.
What is Meyers v. Nebraska?