Language Facts
ELL Programs
Language Mixing
A particular thought that one language has taken over the world in most aspects. It's used for many things and is the cause of some language death.
What is English as a global language.
Long-term; instruction through the first language; instruction through the second language; sociocultural support; interactive, cognitively challenging discovery learning; integration with the mainstream.
What are 6 characteristics of effective programs for ELLs.
"I refuse to let them speak anything but English in my class. They need to get used to not using their native language." "You should reconsider. Native language can promote the use of the second language."
What is a misconception about all teaching being done in the target language.
"Come here, mijito."
What is expressing identity, communicating friendship or family bonding.
Using different types of speech depending on who you are with in particular circumstances.
What is Languaging.
ELLs pulled out of mainstream classes for ELL support. Basic vocabulary and grammar are taught, and instruction is not connected to regular class material.
What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction.
The idea that immersing students in solely English will enhance their learning of the new language.
What is English-only approaches
"Grandparents speak in a language their grandson does not understand."
What is excluding people from a conversation.
Another name for translanguaging, which is inserting native words into the new language in speech.
What is code switching.
Students are pulled out of mainstream classes for additional ELL support, and instruction is related to mainstream class material. The ELL teacher helps make material more comprehensible.
What is ESL Pullout or Pull-in Content Instruction.
"I do not want children to translate for one another or have it done by me." "You should consider it. It can help students in so many ways."
What is a misconception about translation being used in a bilingual classroom.
Two people are conversing in Spanish. You interject by saying, "Excuse me."
What is interjecting into a conversation.
This much of the world recognizes that two or more languages are officially spoken.
What is less than 25% of the world's 192 countries.
Students are prepared to transition into all-English classrooms within 3 years of beginning school as non-English speakers.
What is Early-Exit Bilingual Education.
"I don't want my students mixing the two languages in our bilingual classroom." "Mixing languages can help with understanding and even with different activities in class."
What is a misconception about languages being kept separate in dual-language programs (Two Solitudes).
"For this exercise you are going to do three circles, tres circulos."
What is clarifying a point.
When this dies, a culture dies.
What is a language.
Students receive instruction in their first language through at least sixth grade.
What is Late-Exit or Maintenance Bilingual Programs.
This person brought up the concern regarding monolingual instruction for multilingual students.
Who is Cummins.
"When he came into the room, we all yelled, !Feliz Cumpleanos!"
What is reporting a conversation held previously.