This strategy involves repeating words to memorize them.
What is repetition?
Planning how to study before an exam is called ___.
What is goal setting?
Asking a teacher for help is an example of ___.
What is asking for clarification?
Taking deep breaths before a test to reduce anxiety is called ___.
What is stress management?
Writing key points while studying is an example of this strategy.
What is note-taking?
Checking if you understand what you’re reading is called ___.
What is self-monitoring?
Learning by working in pairs or small groups is called ___.
What is peer learning?
Encouraging yourself with positive words before studying is ___.
What is positive self-talk?
Grouping words into categories to remember them is called _____.
What is chunking?
Adjusting your learning method when something isn’t working is called ___.
What is strategy adjustment?
Practicing speaking with a native speaker is called ___.
What is language immersion?
Writing about your learning progress in a journal is ___.
What is self-reflection?
Using images or stories to remember words is called ___.
What is mnemonics?
Thinking about what learning method worked best after studying is called ___.
What is self-reflection?
Teaching a classmate what you learned is an example of ___.
What is peer tutoring?
Rewarding yourself after completing a study goal is called ___.
What is self-motivation?
Guessing the meaning of a new word based on surrounding words is called ___.
What is contextual inference?
Setting a timer to manage study time effectively is an example of ___.
What is time management?
Joining an online study group to discuss topics is called ___.
What is collaborative learning?
Listening to music in the target language to make learning fun is an example of ___.
What is using relaxation techniques?