Parts of Speech
Multiple Meanings
Singular, Plural, or Possessive
Random 6th Grade Knowledge

This is the name for a person, a place, or a thing.

What is a noun?


This is the definition of vision. 

What is "the act of seeing or sight"?


These are 2 definitions for the word "bat".

What are: 

"a stick used for hitting a ball"

"a mammal that can fly"

"to swing a stick at a ball"


This means just 1 of something.

What is "singular"?

This is how many states are in the United States of America.

What is 50?


An example of this is "jump".

What is a verb?


This is the definition of devoted.

What is "loyal or deeply caring"?


These are 2 definitions for the word "star".

What are: 

"a brilliant light in the sky at night" 

"a famous person"

"to have a big role in a play/show/game"


This means just 1 of something that has something.

What is "singular possessive"?

5 x 11 + 3

What is 58?


The box is in front of the door. 

This is the prepositional phrase.

What is "in front of"?


This sentence correctly uses the word "social" and includes context clues to prove you know the meaning.

I like scrolling through social media to see pictures of people's dogs. 

Not everyone likes being social. Some people like to be alone.


These are 2 definitions for the word "log".

What are: 

"a piece of tree trunk or branch"

"a record of events"

"to enter/record events"

"to cut down timber"


This means more than 1 of something.

What is "plural"?


These are the 3 states of matter.

What are "solid", "liquid", and "gas"?


These are 3 adjectives you could use to describe a zebra.

What are striped, black, white, 4-legged, large, hairy, etc.?


This sentence correctly uses the word "pollution" and includes context clues to prove you know the meaning.

Pollution is serious because it can harm the land, the air, and the water that we need to survive.

We need to stop polluting the planet so that polar bears and sea turtles don't become extinct.


These are 2 definitions for the word "mine".

What are:

"to dig for gems or coal"

"a place where gems or coal can be found"

"belonging to me"


This is the singular noun in this sentence: "The dog is smart and quickly learned to sit, stay, and roll-over." 

What is "dog"?


These are the 7 continents.

What are "Africa", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Australia", "Europe", North America", and "South America"?

"Quickly" and "Tomorrow" are 2 examples.

What are adverbs?


This sentence correctly uses the word "modern" and "expert" with context clues to prove you know the meaning.

My uncle always asks me for help with his iPhone because I am an expert on modern technology.

Being a social media expert is difficult because modern lingo is always changing.


These are 2 definitions for the word "squash".

What are:

"to crush so it becomes flat (like a bug)"

"a fruit/vegetable"

"a sport"


These are the plural nouns and possessive noun: "Connie's car is broken, so Jim will drive her to the store. She needs tomatoes, bananas, and salt."

Plural nouns = "tomatoes" and "bananas"

Possessive noun = "Connie's"


The teams at KP / Sedgwick are named after this.

What are gemstones / Ivy League schools?